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Desired Outcome







Check-in/ Updates

PPC meeting updates and review of any action items from last meeting

Quick share of any local team updates


  • Status
    titleStrategically placed Reminder for Elizabeth to record Meeting

  • NCIP decision approved. Looking to CDL for help with purchase.

  • MVP (Minimum Viable Product) was shared. Please review and add to our tab.

  • Draft AFN form.

    • Ex Libris can assist with configuration of patron groups for existing Alma campuses.

    • Which date would work best to meet with ExLibris?

      • December 11 
        11am - 12pm 
        12pm - 1pm 

        December 16 
        1:30pm - 3pm

        December 18
        10am - 11am
        11am - 12pm

  •  Elizabeth will send out a doodle poll for an ExL meeting. Members should fill it out.


Name choices so far

EUNS (naming subgroup) would like our group's feedback on their name choices so far.

Copy of the proposal from EUNS (the naming subgroup):  (please don't actually edit!)
Here's a feedback form you can fill out with any thoughts you might have: 



This is the patron-facing name of “SILS”.

Final proposal will go to the WG on January 8.

The group has worked up four options: “Minimalist” Library Search, Eureka, Beacon, UC LibHub

This subgroup is looking for feedback.

There has not been much time for gathering feedback from various stakeholder groups.

Additional information:

Feedback content:

Do you have any general comments or feedback on the choices in the proposal?

Do you have any questions about the choices in the proposal?

Did you have a favorite approach / option? Tell us which and why you thought so.

Did you have strong objections to a particular approach or option? Tell us which and why you thought so.


New Decision Pages to Consider


Decision pages are currently blank.

-Do we want to have any policies around individual institutions configuring Peer-to-Peer partners.

-Resource Sharing configuration may need to be done during Test phase.


Answers to Questions about End User Communications

Review the answers we’re preparing to send to End User Outreach


Joe worked up some answers to questions received from the end user communications group.

We may need to test how patrons can pick up items from different locations (campuses). This may impact whether or not we suppress the AFN button for locally held items.


Group Testing Session

We’ll be spending this meeting testing together.

Supplier of Last Resort Test

(Test and Implementation) Strategy for Resource Sharing with WorldShare ILL


Testing supplier of last resort with a UCLA request.

UCSD passed on fulfilling.

Borrowing request should go to VDX. It doesn’t look like the request was transferred to VDX.

It looks like requests need to be initiated in the Resource Sharing form. Going through the Get It form turns it into a direct fulfillment request.

The request is hitting the log so the e-mail is being sent. It is not getting through to VDX.

Joe will troubleshoot.

  •  Joe will continue to troubleshoot.


Parking Lot

There are some questions around what other things this group might add to the parking lot. Expiration dates and whatnot.

  • We may need to revisit our discussion regarding what fields are passed between campuses in the Network Zone. (Name, email, expiry date, etc.)

Members can add to the parking lot issues that they feel need to be considered or tracked.


RLF Non-Circ items requestable for in-house use

Will need to test in Test Phase

There are some hacks used for library-use only items that can’t be checked out and back in because it will kick off a return process. This will have to be figured out for ExL.

Davis tried creating a “Reading Room” circulation room. This was difficult for circulation staff to manage. There is now a transit step between ILL and the circ desks that allows the item to be checked out again before initiating the return process.


RLF Ghost Records Discussion

Records Retained for Items Deposited in RLFs

This decision will be worked out throughout the test phase.


DDS Decision Page (Test Load) Document Delivery Service (DDS) Setup

Config forms - local campuses

Will need to be tested during the Test Phase


Harmonization work

Continue our discussion and come up with loan periods to propose for fulfillment network/locally



