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Password: 889551
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When you join the meeting, rename your Zoom name to your name + SILS group (Mouseover your participant window, click on the […] dots dropdown to the right of “mute”, choose Rename.)



Desired Outcome







Start recording!





Quick announcements



SILS co-chairs update


Günter, Chris

  • CoUL approved UC Library Search name and are happy with our progress

  • SILS ongoing governance recommendations are coming soon.

  • Numbers of accounts desired is larger than the number of accounts we have purchased.


Timeline review (recurring)

Reminder: Implementation Timeline on Confluence for staff without access to Basecamp.

Awareness of what’s happening / coming soon in the project


Christine, Lena

  • 2/25 5pm: Moratorium on editing bibs ends. ICs are working on accounts and roles. Should we wait longer for Merced? How much time? 1 week? 2 weeks?

  • 2/26: Primo VE delivered (ICs will get the link via Sales Force)

  • 3/1: Alma workshops are starting next week with UCM up first. See  ExL Spring Workshop Schedule. These are discussions and deeper dive into workflows. Attendees should have completed Alma Essentials training beforehand. Optional: Review the MVP document to see the critical “day 1” systemwide priorities (the workflows/functions that must be in place at go-live) and review your local campus MVP document, if you have one.

  • 3/4: special meeting - Primo VE first look and handoff meeting

  • 3/22 1-2pm: Ex Libris meeting time is AVAILABLE. If you would like to propose a topic for a 60-minute UC-led special meeting, see How to Request a Special Meeting.

  • 3/25: UC-led special meeting - Fiscal Year-End Planning

  • See Ex Libris meetings or Basecamp project meetings for other upcoming meeting topics

Extend moratorium on editing bibs to 3/4 at 5pm.

ICs and FGs to share the new extended deadline with local teams and testers.

Messaging for staff and testers:

“The ICs are recommending a moratorium on any type of bibliographic and holdings records work by campus or FGs that could impact data in the NZ until 3/4 at 5pm. This would preserve the data in its migrated state and allow for Resource Management FG to do their data review. This moratorium would not apply to local testing on Fulfillment and Resource Sharing, or Acquisitions, whose testing would not result in changes to bibs and holdings data in the NZ.”

  •  ICs and FGs to share the new extended moratorium deadline (3/4 at 5pm) with local teams and testers.

Training Documentation Hub

Introduce the training documentation hub. Allow time for Q&A.


Brian David


  • Training calendar

  • Ex Libris trainings page and related documentation

  • UC documentation area

    • This will be added to as documentation comes in from functional groups.

    • If you find good ExL videos or other good resources, send them to the IT team.


Communication Operation Leads update (recurring)

Awareness of communications activities.

Introduce “This month is SILS” (pilot) and request “need to knows” from chairs.

  • If you were speaking at a SILS Town Hall, what’s the one thing your group would want to share?(OK if you don’t have anything). Respond in SILS Chairs slack.


Ben, Adrian

  • Desire for regular updates to the extended UC library staff community.

  • Com Leads (with help from PM Leads) will produce a “This month in SILS”

  • Asking SILS Chairs for 1-2 “need to knows” to include from each group (as applicable, OK to report nothing if nothing rises to the level.) Slack them in the SILS Chairs channel on the thread that Ben will create.

  •  Chairs to share 1 to 2 “need to knows” for the march “this month in SILS” edition. Use the SILS Chairs slack channel. Ben will start a thread.

Update on meeting with Ex Libris

Awareness of outcome of meeting with Ex Libris and next steps.

Discuss and Q&A.

SILS PMs are working with Marci on a form for requesting a consultant to join a meeting:

  1. PMs review the form responses at Tues and Thurs meetings. Determine if the request is complete enough for Marci to forward to the ExL consultants to review and see what more they need. (couple of days)

  2. Marci will let us know that the consultants have what they need and will confirm the date and time the ExL consultant can meet.

  3. Marci schedules the meeting for the ExL consultant to attend.

  4. SILS PM let’s the group co-chairs know to forward the Zoom invite to the listserv for Marci for calendaring with ExL:


Carlo Medina

  • Met with ExL a second time to discuss communications with them and how they handle questions at meetings.

  • They were receptive to the feedback.

  • They are willing to have their consultants come to FG meetings. They just need as much advance notice of what the group wants to discuss, the desired outcome, workflows you would like them to address.

  • How would these requests be streamlined? It was decided that it should be handled PM to PM (UC to ExL) to make arrangements.

    • PMs are creating a form (similar to the meeting request form) that will be reviewed by PMs when they meet on Tues & Thurs.

  • Has the support team on the ExL side been expanded? Andrea has been filling in for Laurie. She is great, can we keep her?

  • UCSF is working with their subgroups to collect ideas for each session to be prepped ahead of time for their campus workshop. They will have their questions ahead of time for each session.

  • Good idea to get any workflow/campus specific questions answered at those meetings, but there are workflows that may cut across campuses and it would be good to have shared info.

  • Also, good to have day 1 priorities at the forefront (see the MVP)

  • Reminder: Use the Alma and Primo listservs to ask questions - it can also help to jumpstart convos with ExL.

  • “Painful meeting issue” raised by Lynne. Meetings with a clear, full agenda work better. “Painful” meetings are where we don’t get questions in advance and 80 people have saved 2 hours in their calendar.

  •  Carlo Medina (Unlicensed) will post some good listserv recommendations from ExLibris where you can reach out to see what other consortia have done.

From Ex Libris email to UC team that met with them re: meeting improvements:

Ex Libris recommends to consortium customers to participate in Alma Consortia Advocacy Group (ACAG) managed by IGeLU and ELUNA - (Main list) (ERM subgroup) (Resource Sharing subgroup)


Flagging any significant issues (recurring)



Parking Lot

Feel free to add a topic to the Proposed agenda topics page on Confluence

Capture important topics for future discussion



