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Desired Outcome







Check-in / Logistics / Any issues with testing?

Report any major changes in availability / circumstances

Anything to report on the test load?



  • Tom is out today.

  • Lakshmi & maybe Alison will be out next week for spring break.


ILS Data cleanup / Patron Data groups / PPC

  • ILS Data Cleanup (Tom): co-chairs visit on 3rd Thursdays. TJ Kao and/or Catherine Busselen will join on 4/15.

  • Patron Data (Carlo)

  • PPC:

    • Review final decisions (as needed)

  • SILS Chairs/Coordinators meeting update & actions


Carlo, Tom

  • Patron data: Using slack a lot for “who’s doing this? how do you do this?” stuffs. Thanks to already-Alma campuses for their help!

  • Greg is getting many incomplete answers with “I think so” from Ex Libris lately.


Topics from slack

  • Campus MVPs. Who is doing this? How is it going?

    • UCB is doing one.

    • UCLA has a list of day 1 activities. They used the systemwide MVP as a starting point.

    • UCSF is using the PPC (systemwide) MVP (systemwide one) as a starting point and it’s facilitating good discussion.

    • UCSD put out a call for staff to write how they use the system (not using Millennium speak) to inform local training. Will use the PPC MVP.

    • UCI reviewed PPC MVP with their local imp group. And having our own list from each functional group.

  • Consider changes impacting already-alma campuses changing to the nz enviro, e.g., the demise of UC-eLinks or 'melvyl'.

    • May be too much activated in CDI - Holly and CDL collections group is quantifying.

    • Joe Ferrie is working on resource sharing issues.

    • Campuses will need to change some OpenURL link resolver settings in vendor databases for locally-licensed eresources. (on MVP in AEFG)


Testing progress

Anything notable to report?


  • UCI discovered something strange with reports - for reports run in the test load enviro, they see the same report in their live environment. The data is correct. Otherwise, testing has been fairly smooth.

  • UCSD hasn’t had any major issues to report. Mostly trying to understand documentation and functionality and the many decisions that have to be made. Reaching out to other already-Alma campuses and weighing pros and cons of different approaches.

  • Concern at UCSD about financials and whether they will be able to purchase needed things like course reserves and if they will have the staffing resources needed since they are also doing an oracle migration for financial software. UCLA is also concerned. They are short-staffed. Don’t want to lose money that can’t be spent due to technical constraints.

    • UCB: encumbrances and expenditures issue; ExL is investigating.

    • UCSF is concerned about course reserves. Waiting to see the cutover plan. Doubling the work by learning the system and best practices and need to do the actual work.


Alma training rollout schedules at campuses?

  • UCSD is having IT rep manage it. The IT rep became the local chair of their training group to organize the training. Some depts are FULLY participated in the Alma workshops.

  • UCLA has a team that mirrors the FGs. Training group is being led by someone from the law library with experience in putting together training.

  • UCB notes how closely training is tied to workflows. MVP, workflows and training are all informing the discussion. No formal plan.


How to get the invoices to the people who really pay them?

  • Jeremy has written a script to turn ready-to-pays into an XML file; campus AP picks up the file, manipulates it and drops off the payment confirmation XML file to Alma which sets all the payments to paid.


Timeline review / PM update

Stay up to date on timeline / deadlines



  • Any questions on the timeline?

  • Reminder: Don’t forget to use the integrations to do list for asking integrations questions.

  • NEW! 4/6 at 8am: RLF Fulfillment Meeting (Lynne Grigsby, Cathy Martyniak, Carlo Medina, Andy Kohler, Joe Ferrie, Elizabeth Rodriguez, Liz Miraglia, Sarah Wallbank)

  • NEW! 4/15: Ex Libris special meeting on VDX NCIP integration with Alma at UCLA with guest Ralph Horton from OCLC/VDX (audience: anyone interested in ILL, Fulfillment)

  • NEW! 4/22: Ex Libris special meeting on Fiscal Close Period. ExL expects to have your tech freeze dates in time for, or prior to, this meeting. Questions due 4/19.

  • Special meetings requested (dates TBD):


Alma accounts followup

Update on Alma accounts task force: Charge and members



  • To use MFA such as Duo, campuses will have to manage accounts internally for shared student accounts and circulation.


Other / Homework



  • From 3/18: Lynne will create a ticket on BC about the slowness issue some campuses are experiencing in NA07. Others will chime in.

  • From 3/18 on APIs/Developer network accounts: What is possible is either creating a new dev network tied to NA07 and get rid of it at go-live or use your sandbox for APIs. Jeremy is asking for a new instance of dev network since he uses his sandbox for APIs already. Lakshmi agreed a separate instance of the dev network would be best for UCI. For already-Alma campuses wanting to setup the developer's network account for NA07, you need to give ExL an email address that isn't already associated with your current developer's network.


Q&A (recurring)

Q&A during the IC meeting as a first stop before asking a question on Basecamp.

If it’s time-sensitive, post to slack (IC channel, SILS Chairs are good options)

Any issues that we want to seek broader input from other consortia?




Questions for Ex Libris PM (recurring)

Post questions in Basecamp as they come up. It’s open 24/7!

Note: We lose in efficiency and we may lose in translation when questions go through the PMs. When topics come up that should logically go to Basecamp to the Ex Libris consultants, invite an IC (or appropriate person) to take point on that issue.



When will ExL be answering questions posted to Basecamp on the integrations list? Alison posted a question quite a while ago.

Shared via email 3/24:

How is a "completed" SSO integration/implementation quantified? What should be completed by March 31?

  • General: EXL works with the campus and Alma environment to configure authentication in Alma (and register campus with InCommon if necessary). At this point, Alma does not actively authenticate users. Instead, it turns to the configured SAML system (on the campus side) to verify the user’s identity.

    • Marci will check with Wei on progress - updates in auth cases are very technical.

  • Technical: See the general Authentication page and the SAML page

  • Additional Information: Most customers do the majority of their testing after the SIS set up - so that the updated users in Alma have a match point in the customer's external authentication system (instead of doing one of testing by updating a user record manually).

  • Basecamp Milestone: Please note that milestone had March 31st as estimated. It has since been updated to April 30th as work is still occurring on both sides.

  • Reminder: Don’t forget to use the integrations to do list for asking questions.

Can we get more clarity on why Ex Libris wanted workflows to be completed by end of May? Are there dependencies within the project that dictate that timeframe?

  • Background: I provide each project a basic timeline of when they should work on getting most things completed in preparation for Cutover and Go Live. In your case, at Kickoff we included: Time for data review, integrations, advanced configurations, Primo VE customizations, staff training, collaborative decisions, workflow development (IZ, NZ, collaborative) etc. -- approx. 3 1/2 months (mid-Feb though end of May).

  • Dependency: In June, there will be a focus on Cutover preparations and I’m assuming internal training. For the internal trainings to occur, the dependency would be that your workflows are developed by then.

  • Concern: If you push workflow development and begin internal training to the end of June or beginning of July, you will need to rely more on the sandboxes - since the new NA07 production instances will be locked down (exact date TBD based on Cutover planning).

 And, if you have questions about your workflows...

Workflows: Submit to the EXL project team via Basecamp as soon as you have a question about a workflow or reach a stumbling block and need assistance (don’t wait!)

  • Ex. this is what we’re trying to do, this is what we do in our system now, how would we do this in Alma? (If you haven't yet had your Alma workshop, it will get passed onto the training person as appropriate)

  • Put in Message Board in Basecamp and tag with/indicate that it’s a workflow question

  • Workflows are mainly for the ExL project team to understand (not necessarily for the trainers)


Parking lot


  • (From 3/18 meeting with ILSDC) For post-go-live data cleanup work, create a plan (with estimates of the scale of work, timeline). Ask ExL to review it. Ask if ExL can do a scheduled job in our instance for us? (if that’s desired) Suggestion to setup a special meeting with ExL to discuss the SCP records. Catherine will provide the data/numbers and reach out to Tom & Carlo for next steps

  • Primo VE workshop (week of May 17): which environment to use for training?

    • Will they make live config changes during training?

    • Lena will ask Marci when we have to decide by

  • (If needed) Best practices/guidelines for APIs.

  • TBD: Buddy system (Adrian Petrisor, Com Leads) Timing: after spring workshops, if there’s interest




Review decisions and actions.
