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Update and checking

Discuss questions and upcoming milestones

10 mins

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2nd quarterly UC-wide SILS Town

John will serve as a panelist during a roundtable discussion titled “What Changes Will UC Library Search Bring to Library Culture and Operations,” taking place on Monday, April 19 (11:10 – 11:35 a.m.) during the quarterly UC-wide SILS Town. Here is a preliminary list of questions that will be asked as part of the discussion:

  1. What is the general sentiment you’ve observed among local library staff, knowing a sea change in accessing materials across the UC is forthcoming?

  2. What major changes will those inside and outside the Library experience with the migration away from Melvyl and other established Library systems?

  3. How will the Network Zone impact the collaboration between the UC Libraries?

  4. How have your groups ensured that important decisions are made with consideration of systemwide interests and input?

15 mins


John’s draft responses:

View file
nameSILS Town Hall Panel 2021-04-19 draft responses.docx

John asked for feedback from the group on his answers.

Question about panelists, if there will be a person representing Public Services, and the answer is yes.

Everyone thinks John’s answers look great.


Legacy ETDS

Is there any interest in moving your legacy ETDs into NZ? If yes, how?

10 mins


Currently working on an ETD workflow, and the question is what to do with legacy ETDs? They are not necessarily all OA but the majority is accessible via ProQuest. Tier 1 license/subscription to ProQuest digital dissertations provides system-wide access to majority of the content; campuses don't necessarily have access to all legacy ETDs that have not been digitized and w/out permissions; lack of permissions is a major issue.

Some campuses digitized their legacy ETDs and that content is now accessible locally. One campus digitized it via Google project (UC Davis?)

Legacy ETDs is a complex issue; we need time and capacity to work on it, etc.

Cut off period (i.e., June and July): we will use it to work on this type of projects

Determine the current situation at each campus for born-digital and print ETDs, including permission status, digitization, etc.

First step: collect the information UC system-wide. Xiaoli will create a spreadsheet to record the data. The deadline: gather information by the 3rd week of June. The actual work will happen after the migration.


Draft MVP document

Review our MVP items on the list to ensure the information is current and complete.

10 mins



The group reviewed the spreadsheet and discussed to whom assign various tasks:

SCLG will review the contracts (Gobi, Marcive, etc.,) annually and will approve renewals.

ETDs workflows: one time activity, our group will make suggestions and recommendations; RMG will implement the workflow.

CRL records: As a policy matter, we decided that we want CRL records in the NZ (day one), it is a priority; do we need to sign a new system-wide contract with CRL? CDL is handling it right now. The implementation will be assigned to RMG.

Legacy UC ETDs: we need collect the information to make decision and we need 6 months to do it.



Has your campus talked about this? Do you have concerns about which model (Easyactive vs. Fullyflexible) UC should implement?

15 mins

(Go Live) CDI: Use FullyFlexible or EasyActive activation model

CDI impacts users, patron services and technical services workflows. All institutions in a consortium must use the same CDI activation model, either EasyActive or FullyFlexible. Consequently, we are collecting the information about any potential concerns that our group might have about going with either EasyActive or FullyFlexible.

This question was discussed at the Co-Chairs groups, then PPC group discussed it and they asked Discovery Group for feedback. Ultimately, the recommendation will be provided from Discovery Group to PPC.

In general, it looks like Discovery/Public Services Group prefers Fully Flexible; Discovery/Technical Services Group prefers EasyActive.

Campuses agree that a certain amount of technical service work is required to activate resources and from that perspective, EasyActive is a preference; especially given the fact that our staffing in technical services is limited.

Note: switching from the EasyActive model to the FullyFlexible model has never been done/tested; Ex Libris is not saying that they couldn’t switch us from our current EasyActive to FullyFlexible, but they never done it before.

Each campus needs to determine what’s their preference: do they want to spend their time on deactivating or activating resources?




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