Versions Compared


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, 10am-11:30am


Discussion items

DISCOVERY VISION: We strive to design and implement the best possible discovery and delivery experience for our end users using data-driven decision making. We envision a network zone experience that will allow users to discover library materials across UC collections without sacrificing relevant results. As such, the default search and results interface should prioritize the success of typical users while providing additional functionality for more advanced users.


Desired Outcome







Updates from other SILS groups

Share relevant items

10 min



PPC: updated Discovery’s MVP on PPC’s MVP sheet

ExL’s May 6th mtg will cover details re: cutover.

Using a randomizer tool, UCR was selected at the last IC meeting as the Primo VE instance to use for the Primo VE workshop week of May 17

June 15th:

  • Technical Services Freeze - stop updating Millennium

  • Alma Configuration Freeze

     - not allowed to make configuration changes in Alma until production environment is delivered just before go-live

  • Millennium data is migrated a final time and moved to the Alma cloud (Alma configuration settings made during Test Load are retained)

June 18th: Cutover deliverables (migration forms etc.) due to Ex Libris

From the Shared Governance Task Force: "Charges for the new phase groups are now being written since the structure and basic outline for each group have been vetted and approved."

Members should review the PPC MVP Document for updates; the list was shortened to reflect what is still left to do at go live and shortly thereafter. Link to the current PPC MVP sheet is linked on DFG homepage.

Shared sheet as a “shortcut” look under “file” (Josephine Tan (Unlicensed) )



Discuss updated decision page

15 min


Updated Decision Page -

Next Steps:

  • Send this out to EUOS and Communications group for feedback

  • RACI: A = DFG

  • Confirm font and HEX codes for wordmark.



Discuss boosting methodologies

15 min


Draft Decision Page -

  • Specify # of search terms to ensure a similar search test cases for satisficing undergraduate students to surface consortial materials; Ten (10)

  • Campuses should factor-in their unique campus collections

  • Consider using search terms from current search logs

  • Need to balance for MVP vs long-term refinement

  • Number of results to display is ten (10); should this remain for MVP?; revisit after Go Live to increase

  • Adjustments for Already-Alma and new to Alma campuses to determine Article and Book Chapter boosting factors; see Recommendations

  • RACI:
    A = DFG
    C = check-in with AEFG RMFG?

RACI: Josephine Tan (Unlicensed) will take to PPC to see if there is any other groups


Reviewing Primo VE Training Workshop Questions pre-May 17th

Determine how to help out Internal Training Subgroup (ITS)

15 min


ITS would like us to look over the pre-workshop week questions that will have come in from the attendees.

Our group will review the questions on May 7th and have any comments to send to ITS by May 12th. The workshop begins on May 17th.


PrimoVE First Look webinar

Discuss timeline and approach to leading such a webinar

20 min


Internal Training Subgroup inviting Discovery FG to lead a webinar for UC Wide Public Service Primo Training - First Look: UC Library Search.

ITS would like to know when would be the best date for this webinar. Many campuses and EUOS co-chairs would like the earlier-the-better date to help them prepare for and understand the new changes to expect with UC Library Search.

  • We’ll have a clearer preferred date to suggest to ITS after ExL’s May 6th mtg re: cutover details

Share any presentations that any of us has already given to our local campuses as a first look either now and/or when already-Alma campuses gave similar staff first look as they were debuting their new system. Place any such materials in the Training folder on our Google Drive



Look at decision pages to determine next steps

25 min



Check Ins

Discuss updates/problems/testing

30 min



Next Meeting

Prep for next meeting


Parking Lot/Q&A

Save these issues for future discussion & comments



  • Main Menu (pull up config workbooks)

  • Facets

  • Libguides

  • Testing plan

  • Delivery and Fulfillment

  • Minimum Viable Product

  • WorldCat

  • Ebook ILL lending as it relates to discovery and limiting to availability.

  • What will help links be called and where will they be in the interface?


  • SFX Journal Search Tool (moved notes to UC eLinks section)

  • Ebook ILL lending: problematic with Melvyl; keep in mind to test in Test phase
