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20 2-3:30 pm

Note: May 20 meeting was canceled due to the Primo VE workshop.


Discussion items

Stay up to date on timeline / deadlines



Desired Outcome







Check-in / Logistics / Any issues with testing?

  1. Report any major changes in availability / circumstances

  2. Anything to report on the test load?



  • CDI meeting with ExL: UCD is already using CDI and hasn’t received any customer support questions from patrons which is good news. Alison noted the CDL SFX fix was made a while back by ExL and should be working for Primo VE campuses who want to test CDI.


Progress on integrations work

Report on progress on 3rd party integrations plans.

Do you have any questions or concerns to discuss at the meeting?


Update status in advance

SIS loader: due April 30

  • UCB:

  • UCLA:

  • UCM:

  • UCSD:

  • UCSF:

Other day 1 integrations: due May 31

  • UCB:

  • UCLA:

  • UCM:

  • UCSD:

  • UCSF:

  • CDL:


ILS Data cleanup / Patron Data groups / PPC

  • ILS Data Cleanup (Tom): co-chairs visit on 3rd Thursdays. TJ Kao and/or Catherine Busselen will join on TBD.

  • Patron Data (Greg)

  • PPC: Review final decisions (as needed)

  • SILS Chairs/Coordinators meeting update & actions



  • Patron Data: Nothing

  • ILSDC:

  • PPC:

  • Coordinators:

  • SILS Chairs: Agenda is to review the Cutover plan and ask what questions chairs have.



Timeline review / PM update



  • Any questions on the timeline?

  • What is your technical freeze date? Let us know by May 31. We’ll add it to Basecamp.

    • The SCP records freeze 5/14 (tomorrow); SFX freezes when ExL says; haven't decided about when we'll freeze 360

  • Update on Alma slowness issue:

    • Current testing for UCLA (5/10) had the following results:
      01UCS_LAL ; all titles - keyword

      • art history - 5 sec

      • journal of library science - 23 sec

      • america first nations - 15 sec

    • Reported updated testing results to Development.

    • Campuses should still document any issues with slowness in SalesForce. The data ExL needs for development is posted on BC: SalesForce Cases for Reporting Alma Slowness

    • Jeremy did some testing.

  • What happens when Cutover begins?

    1. Professional services do some work before handing it to Migration.

    2. Migration will begin to export SFX data, copy the NZ to a migration environment, and build the NZ starting then.

    3. Most deliverables (and pre-cutover activities) are due on dates prior to Migration's start work.

    4. The existing Alma campuses are doing their technical services freeze at EOD on July 9th - due to the fact the Migration team will begin copying their environment at that time.

  • Reminder: Post cutover questions on Basecamp in the UCS Cutover Planning To Do list in the relevant action item. If there’s not an action item, use the message board.

  • Quick Q to already-Alma campuses: Did you get all the information you need about how to access your old environment post-go-live (during the 30-day grace period)? Have not received any details yet. Lakshmi is waiting. Laurie said she would put the details on the Cutover case. (Confirm that’s the case)


Go-Live Discussions

Cutover planning on basecamp

Timeline on confluence

Getting prepared for go-live

  • Let your website manager know that discovery links will need to reflect the change on July 27 (exact time TBD).

  • Decide as a team what time we want to go live on July 27th. How can we coordinate this

    TENTATIVE: ILSDC monthly checkin

    TJ Kao, Catherine Busselen


    Go-Live coordination

    July 27 at time TBD

    Decide as a team what time we want to publicize for go-live on July 27th?

    • Campuses will check with their teams on whether a noon go-live time works and report back on May 20.)

    How can we coordinate to ensure we are all "open for business" at the agreed upon time?

    This could require weekend work. Are we willing/able to do that?
    • UCB is asking each FG to assess how much testing they need to do, so they can plan to be done by Monday for signoff.

    • Talk to your group and see what you think is reasonable.

    • Does signing off on data acceptance clear ExL of responsibility? What does it mean to signoff? (Lena will ask)

    • Also involves lining up DNS changes, etc.

    • What is the mechanism to immediately report issues? SalesForce cutover case. If it’s something you think might affect others, slack the ICs.

    • What time works? noon and aim for 10am.

  • Coordinate this as part of our testing? No consensus on this. Sample searches to test Primo speed once we get our cutover instances:

    • should we all use the same search terms?

    • one search term that brings lots of results

    • one search term with few results

    • how many searches is enough? 5? 10? 100?

    • Share a spreadsheet so we can see results at a glance?

    • Possible next step: Create a draft sheet then consult with Discovery?

    • Comments from ICs

      • ExL noted Primo will get faster as its used.

      • Carlo has noted he gets very diverse results on the same searches.

    • Ask ExL what they advise for testing. (Lynne will ask)

  • Please invite your EUOS member to your local imp team meeting to keep them informed.

  • Do the already-Almas have a checklist/countdown for go-live?

  • From Marci: The Go Live Readiness checklist is a version of what we sometimes refer to as generally as the Health Checklist. We’ll actually use the form formally two times during the full implementation portion of the project: once as you a readying for Go Live (so around the start of Cutover) and then a second time prior to the official Switch to Support. I have suggested to past projects for them to also use the form earlier on in the project themselves to track progress on what they have learned and completed implementing, and what areas may still need additional review. This helps both sides tremendously as we can work on focusing on earlier determined problematic areas. It’s also easier for your project team when it’s time to formally complete the checklist as it’s been already been “in progress” and could be kept up to date.  Questions about Go Live Readiness Checklist and Certifications.

  • 30

    Carlo, Tom

  • Do Health checklist by May 17 for discussion at May 20 ExL meeting and upload to the Completed health checklist folder.

  • Do we need to accommodate for ExL to run each go-live job consecutively or can they be run simultaneously (10 campuses + NZ)?

    Marci added this question to the Cutover Planning To Do list under the Notify EXL you are ready for Go Live - EXL will run Go Live jobs [Alma Campuses]

    Laurie’s answer: A go-live job will be submitted for each campus but the jobs can be run simultaneously. In other words, all jobs are *not* submitted to a queue where one is run after the other; rather they can all be submitted at the same time and can all run at the same time.  

    What’s our next step?


    Carlo, Tom

    Followup from Q’s last week:

    • Laurie’s answer about if NZ has to delay go-live:

      • QUESTION: What happens if we were to find a major problem with the NZ data and it couldn't be fixed in time. Could the IZs go live without the NZ?

        RESPONSE: The NZ is built first so if there are any issues, they will be addressed right away.  If there is a major issue, it will be addressed with the highest priority. 


        The IZs could go live even if the NZ isn’t available but they would of course not have access to full NZ functionality such as the AFN (automated fulfillment network).  Also, the discovery network scope in Primo would not be available.  

      • QUESTION: Related, what if there is a problem with one IZ's data.  Could the NZ and the other IZs go live without them?

        RESPONSE: Yes

    Campuses will check with their teams on whether a noon go-live time works.

    •  Gem Stone-Logan to ask on basecamp if NZ has to go live first? Are there other dependencies such as the AFN?
    •  ICs to invite your EUOS member to your local imp team meeting to keep them informed.
    •  Campuses will check with their teams on whether a noon go-live time works.
    •  Lynne E. Grigsby to ask ExL what they advise for go-live testing for performance, particularly Primo. (Lynne)
    •  Lena Zentall (Unlicensed) to post on Basecamp: Does signing off on data acceptance clear ExL of responsibility? What does it mean to signoff?

    Questions from slack


    Other / Homework



    • QUESTION: Does signing off on data acceptance clear ExL of responsibility? What does it mean to signoff?

      • RESPONSE: All of the written acceptances during Cutover are a way to inform EXL that you have reviewed your data/environment - and you are ready to move on to the next phase of Cutover. If a problem is found during your initial review, you must report your problems to EXL ASAP and EXL will work with you to find a resolution. You would however still have the ability to conditionally accept the data along with documenting the issues found and be able to move forward with the Cutover process.  

      • If a problem is found *after* Go Live, you would also notify EXL so we can work with you to find a resolution.


    Progress on integrations work

    Do you have anything to discuss at the meeting?

    Report on progress on 3rd party integrations plans.



    Update your status in advance

    SIS loader: due April 30

    • UCB:

    • UCLA:

    • UCM:

    • UCSD:

    • UCSF:

    Other day 1 integrations: due May 31

    • UCB:

    • UCLA:

    • UCM:

    • UCSD:

    • UCSF:

    • CDL:


    ILS Data cleanup / Patron Data / PPC

    Do you have anything to discuss at the meeting?

    • ILS Data Cleanup (Tom): co-chairs visit on 3rd Thursdays. TJ Kao and/or Catherine Busselen will join on June 17.

    • Patron Data (Greg)

    • PPC: Review final decisions (as needed)

    • SILS Chairs/Coordinators meeting update & actions



    (Update your status in advance)



    Timeline review / PM update

    Stay up to date on timeline / deadlines



    Any questions on the timeline?


    Questions from slack

    ICs to add any issues from slack that require further discussion.


    Check-in / Logistics / Any issues with testing?

    Do you have anything to discuss at the meeting?

    1. Report any major changes in availability / circumstances

    2. Anything to report on the test load?



    Update your status in advance


    Q&A (recurring)

    Do you have a question to discuss at the meeting?

    • Q&A during the IC meeting as a first stop before asking a question on Basecamp.

    • If it’s time-sensitive, post to slack (IC channel, SILS Chairs are good options)

    • Any issues that we want to seek broader input from other consortia?




    Other / Homework



    Assigned 5/13:

    • Let your website manager know that discovery links will need to reflect the change on July 27 (exact time TBD).

    • Ask ExL what they advise for go-live testing for performance, particularly Primo. (Lynne)

    • ICs to invite your EUOS member to your local imp team meeting to keep them informed.


    Questions for Ex Libris PM (recurring)

    Post questions in Basecamp as they come up. It’s open 24/7!

    Reminder: Post cutover questions on Basecamp in the UCS Cutover Planning To Do list.

    Note: We lose in efficiency and we may lose in translation when questions go through the PMs. When topics come up that should logically go to Basecamp to the Ex Libris consultants, invite an IC (or appropriate person) to take point on that issue.




    Parking lot


    • UCD Escalation (3/17) [from 5/6] Load and performance testing

    • (If needed) Best practices/guidelines for APIs.

    • Awareness that NA04-NA07 servers are being physically moved to a new location over Memorial Day weekend and there will be a scheduled downtime from May 29 6pm PT to May 30 6pm PT.




    Review decisions and actions.
