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State the purpose of the group in 25 words or less (brief, energizing). 

The All Chairs group serves as a hub for communication and advocacy for the SILS service, within the cohort and without.

Issues and recommendations from All-Chairs can be escalated to Operations Team.

Sharing information; flagging potential problems; untanglers! Course pointers!

Sanity-checking on continuing issues / need for consultation.

Place for cross sub-team discussions. Eyes and Ears for the Operations Team. Escalation mechanism for SubTeams. Two way communication, Consortia to campus/subteam. Chairs should feel free to have their subteams work with other subteams to identify better workflows/processes.

This is a place for highlighting crossover issues - make an acknowledgement of need for tight collaboration. Alma + Primo are so tightly integrated (eResources touches so much!!)

AllChairs at campus level have opinions at all levels that don’t occur to people in the subteams (in a helpful way); keeps us from not stepping on each other.

New! (YAY) Not only about communicating work within SILS, but also sharing back out with internal unit (campus) and subteam;

Future ExLibris trainings (70% of adult learning is experiential (i.e. on the system))


Get bigger questions broken down to smaller pieces to help subteams tackle them.


What are the duties needed to get the work done? Who will take notes? Who will keep meetings on track/time? Who is responsible for tracking actions?

Co-chair: Tom
Co-chair: ??


What are our expectations for working together?

Create a list of statements that the team agrees to uphold. For example, ask yourself: How do we make this group a safe space for transparent discussion (knowing that it might become contentious, and avoid back-channeling)? What are our ground rules for meetings? How do we ensure everyone is engaged? How do we ensure everyone has a voice? How will we resolve disagreements?