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Desired Outcome







CMCKG request for Ethical and Inclusive Metadata Practices team

Review Ethical and Inclusive Metadata Practices in UC Library Search Project Team request and team charge

26 mins


  • Tom received the request from LG for the CMCKG for the Ethical and Inclusive Metadata Practices in UC Library Search Project Team

    • LG put together the charge as well

    • Tom sent out the request and charge to the OT listserv and asked folks to review it so we can discuss it further at next week’s meeting

  • Any questions to discuss now?

    • Curious about the time commitment: 2-4 hrs. a week

      • How did we come up with this number?

        • It looks like this will be an average, with the deliverables broken up by quarter

      • How fast/slow will this group be working, how often will they be meeting, etc.? Is this the appropriate level of work for people in the current environment?

        • Might be helpful to have the PM/Back-Up PM confirm that the 2-4 hrs. per week and 1-year timeline is accurate

      • It’s likely that the thought behind this was to let’s see how this works, and adjust it as needed going forward

    • There are a lot of deliverables, but they’re realistic

      • Might also be bringing together what is already available nationally and locally

    • Would be helpful to have the PM and Back-Up PM vet this before moving forward

  • Action: Tom will send the draft charge to Catherine and TJ and ask for them to sign-off on it, make comments or questions, and empower to share it as appropriate; ask them to get back to us with the vetted copy by 7/26 at noon


System/Component Down Communication Path

Discuss next steps for publishing and communicating the System/Component Down Communication Path document

7 mins

Jackie / Caitlin

  • Jackie made some tweaks to the document per UCLA’s feedback

  • OT has approved it, but we now need to handle the communication aspect and publishing the document

    • Jackie already made a decision page:

    • If the decision page represents the most up to date information, just like the Google Doc, next step would be to send an all-cohort email to share out the decision page

    • Does the Google Doc now go away, so that we don’t have to maintain two separate documents?

      • It’s best for the canonical version to live on Confluence

      • Keep the Google Doc, but make a note at the top saying that is the working copy, and the official copy lives on Confluence

  • Action: Jackie will confirm the decision page is up to date and draft an email to all-cohort to let everyone know about this new process and that it can be accessed from the documentation hub; Jackie will share the draft with Caitlin before sending the email to all-cohort

  •  Jackie Gosselar will confirm the decision page is up to date and draft an email to all-cohort to let everyone know about this new process and that it can be accessed from the documentation hub; Jackie will share the draft with Caitlin before sending the email to all-cohort

UC Alma User counts

UC Alma User Counts: Figure out how to approach this with OT/LG

21 mins


  • SILS Ops Center has been getting a monthly report, and have been tracking it all year

  • The total number is fine, but some campuses are using more and some campuses are using less

  • Caitlin will dig up the old report on the UC Alma User Counts and share it with OT-SC on Slack

  • Next Steps:

    • Discuss this at the August 10th OT Meeting during Executive Session

  •  Caitlin Nelson will dig up the old report on the UC Alma User Counts and share it with OT-SC on Slack

Build agenda for next OT meeting

Build and finalize the agenda for next week’s OT meeting

3 mins


  • See proposed agenda here


Parking Lot

Capture important topics for future discussion



57 mins
