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Assessment of GOBI OCLC Plus service usefulness for various types of materials

Decision summary

Campuses should decide which of their GOBI subaccounts represent a wise use of funds when applying the OCLC Plus cataloging services. Info found in our research indicates that GOBI is doing significant OCLC cataloging on 20-25% of titles received. Comparisons with CZ records show about half of CZ records have no Subject Headings but are otherwise fairly reasonable.

Owning group

Acquisitions Operations Subteam +


Operations Team



Decision-making process

Analyzed data coming in for UCI’s API program, physical and electronic, to assess which titles had full records available up order, which needed GOBI labor, and how available CZ records for e-res compared.


Target decision date

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Date decided

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It The OCLC Plus service contract is up for renewal on June 30 of every year. Now that we have a full year’s data available, it is recommended that campuses carefully review which kinds of materials they are receiving on various GOBI subaccounts, and apply the new UC’s Systemwide Cataloging Services (GOBI’s OCLC Plus) only on those subaccounts they feel are most beneficial. Campuses should be aware that usage/nonusage of this contract can have impacts on our negotiating position as it impacts volume of records received, and they should make sure these decisions include the relevant AULs, especially those involved with SCLG. It also impacts the setting of holdings in OCLC.

If there is interest/concern on your campus, we suggest a detailed analysis at each campus on the time/cost impacts of the Gold Plus program, especially for electronic materials, that can later be aggregated to get a better idea of how this would impact the systemwide contract. February or March of 2023, this team will review the issue.


Stakeholder group

