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Updates - from All-Chairs, Leadership Group, etc.

  • Provide updates from other SILS meetings

16 mins


  • LG Updates

    • Discussing the next SILS Town Hall; looking at September 29 as first preference and September 22 as the second preference

      • Main Topic - gentle reminder of how things should escalate from a Project Team to OST to OT, or from All-Chairs to OT and then from OT to LG

      • Also an update on how things are going in general

    • Was going to discuss the Digital Collections Project Team final report; but main person wasn’t there so pushed this topic to the next meeting

    • There is a subgroup assessing where we are based on the Phase 4 goals; will bring report to LG at a future meeting

    • LG is working on an emergency contacts draft document; coming up because there has been at least one person who was having a medical emergency while on a Zoom call

      • There needed to be a way to call emergency services, but other members on the call weren’t sure how to get folks to that location because the person wasn’t in the office

      • Would be optional and is something LG is working on

        • This would be an opt-in; wouldn’t be mandated

      • If OT is interested in doing this for our group, we can discuss how to move forward with it

        • SILS Ops Center keeps a list of all of the members - would be easy to add a column to that document that lists everyone’s emergency contacts

          • Does everyone have access to this document?

            • Yes, but it might be too hard to find, so maybe a separate document would be a good idea

      • What are the next steps for LG?

        • LG is creating a draft document for their group

        • Would there be a master one for all of SILS?

          • Right now this is only being looked at on a group by group basis

      • Next Steps:

        • Tom will use the LG document as a template and will share it with OT between now and the next meeting

          • Folks can fill out the document as much or as little as they want to

    • Discussed with LG having a CDL rep on OT who is an NZ administrator

      • They had some questions; Tom explained that Caitlin isn’t an NZ administrator

      • Explained that this person doesn’t need to be a voting member, since there will be 2 folks from CDL, only the SSM would be the voting member

      • LG seemed okay with this and was going to talk about it at their steering committee meeting

    • DOC put out a call for a new SILS OT Support Member

      • Mallory will be out as of October; will want to have the new person in by early September, so Mallory can overlap and train

  • No All-Chairs Updates; didn’t end up meeting

  •  Tom Bustos will use the LG Emergency Contacts document as a template and will share it with OT between now (8/24) and the next meeting (9/7) so that folks can fill out the document as much or as little as they want to

Q & A Session - Including Questions on Slack since last meeting

  • Any questions from the team?

  • Questions from Slack?

10 mins


  • Security privacy form is filled out as a “once and done”; folks should sign it when they get their account, but don’t have to sign again or follow-up later

  • Jackie found that when bringing up the Resource Sharing Form in Primo, and a patron requests something, the journal information prepopulates in both the journal and article

    • Seems to be a bug; Jackie hasn’t opened an ExL ticket, but wanted to confirm whether other institutions are seeing this

      • UCSC is seeing this

    • Jackie could also follow-up with the Resource Sharing Team to see if they’ve discussed it

      • Sarah thinks that the Resource Sharing Team is likely aware of the issue because she checked with her head of ILL, who is on the Resource Sharing Team

    • Jackie will create a case and share the case number on the OT Slack as well as with the UCB Resource Sharing Team member

      • If several other campuses are seeing this, would want to escalate the topic at the next ExL meeting

  • Jeremy’s question re: notice from Ex Libris about their new IP address for support

    • The email said to make sure the IP is not blocked by your campus firewall, but Jeremy doesn’t understand why that would matter, since Alma is cloud-hosted and Ex Libris doesn't need to touch our local infrastructure to access

      • Maybe they are just referring to self-hosted campuses?

        • Because ExL should be able to get into our cloud-hosted service whenever / wherever

    • Jeremy is wondering if there is anything he actually needs to do with this request

      • Seems like there isn’t anything Jeremy needs to do specifically, but can troubleshoot if ExL does actually run into an issue

    • Yeah this seems like it would be an on-premise thing

      • UCM and UCB didn’t do this when they migrated recently

      • UCR had to make sure the IP ranges for self-check machines weren’t blocked

      • UCI uses an FTP server locally; they did whitelist a few IP addresses based on what was in the ExL knowledge center

    • Jeremy isn’t going to change anything, and will troubleshoot if an issue arises


Topics or questions for the Ex Libris Support Meeting

12 mins


  • Update from recent ExL Support meeting

    • Discussed the issue around their support portal only allowing the ability to see our own tickets and not see across the consortium

      • ExL will be getting a hold of us at some point soon to look into testing the functionality of the consortium user account that can see within the UC consortia

    • Discussed the CJK issue

      • Ex Libris support did reconfirm with PM that it's a solr indexing limitation but can't get more specific

      • Tom suggested a discussion between their solr people and our solr people to look at how to make it work but doesn't seem like that idea got traction on Ex Libris' side

      • Decided to have their support folks in Asia contact Hong Kong and figure out how they’ve resolved the issue, and get this back to the North American folks

        • Hopefully will get somewhere closer to a resolution

        • Is Hong Kong using any other character sets i.e. Cyrillic?

          • We’re waiting to hear about this

      • UCB has also had a ticket open since last year regarding issues with Japanese characters in Primo; discussed this issue as well and ExL said they would follow-up but have not yet

    • Discussed specific tickets:

      • Would like a response for ticket# 06412609: Timeline for vendor-supplied data to appear in CZ and Timeline for CZ collections to appear (ticket# 06391621)

        • For ticket# 06412609, no later than January 2023

          • Automation was in place but provider data was causing problems

        • For collections with automation already in place usually takes about two weeks 

        • For collections requiring manual updates can vary a lot more - anywhere from a month to a year

        • Greg hasn’t gotten any responses on this ticket; surprised ExL has provided this update in the ticket

      • 06360257 - Collection Level records that don't show URLs

        • Checking with developers at the next consultancy

        • Right now the team suspects a defect but need to discuss more

        • Also, IZ UCSD Factiva collection doesn't contain a collection-level URL (NZ does) so Ex Libris asked a follow-up in the ticket if it was possible to suppress the UCSD IZ collection

          • Greg doesn’t recall seeing this request; he didn’t open this ticket and wasn’t listed in the ticket, so has no notifications

      • 06355867 - License terms management & display questions

        • No new updates from developers; still working on it

        • In terms of getting the last couple of answers

    • Not a lot of concrete information in the meeting; acknowledged lengthy timelines, and either said they’ll check on things or they had no real updates

      • Sometimes they don’t tell us when they’ve resolved things after the meetings

  • Please submit your questions or stagnating tickets to OT-SC, as we get closer to the next ExL support meeting


Lived Name Information Gathering

  • Review and discuss LG’s request for each campus to supply information related to the Lived Name policy

  • Deadline is September 9th

  • Lived Name folder and spreadsheet

13 mins

Tom / Team

  • Have we gotten clarification regarding the clause Greg asked about?

    • Does Alma require a person’s legal name? Not sure; if it doesn’t, should we have it there or not?

  • Internal discussion at UCLA - UCOP memo is vague about what needs to be done

  • Discussed this at LG; when Primo is displaying back to the user, you can have it set-up so that it is only displaying the preferred name

    • The policy displaying the legal name not to the end user, but to the employee, seems more vague

      • Seems like it’s not really a requirement; the requirement is more about what is displayed to the end user

        • That said, Alma/Primo would be compliant; but would need to ensure that the feed that is coming in from Campus is compliant

  • UCB is pulling in preferred name and legal name and these go into 2 separate fields, so staff can see both preferred and legal name

    • Unclear if the staff seeing the preferred and legal name is in compliance

    • In these situations, would be okay to mark the Campus as compliant but explain this situation in the notes column in the spreadsheet

  • For UCSD employees, only getting preferred name; but with students, getting legal and preferred name

    • With UC Path, employees can put whatever they want, and the programmer has routed that info to the primary name fields

      • Would it make sense to do this for students as well, and how much work would that be?

  • UCSC Library - doesn’t do anything with billing, so have no use for legal name

    • Their could be a business need for a library to have access to the legal name info

  • UCSB - employees are entered manually into the system

    • For students, there is a lived name option; if the student has a lived name then it comes in as the primary name

    • How do you be in compliance if it’s a manual update?

      • No policy in place, but does sound like it should be made into a policy

      • Within a month, should have the employee feed turned on, so wouldn’t matter as much

    • Anyone else add manual users?

      • UCB doesn’t have many but happens on occasion; would have to ask how they enter the names when creating records manually, but instinct would be to create a formal policy to be in compliance

  • There does seem to be a case that it is okay to use the legal name for collections / billing purposes

    • Because UCM doesn’t use Alma for collecting payments, wouldn’t be in compliant for keeping that information

      • Seems like UCB would be in compliance if needing the legal name for billing; at that point it would just be a matter of how it’s displaying

  • Reminder to everyone to get their info into the spreadsheet by September 9th


CMCKG request for Ethical and Inclusive Metadata Practices team

3 mins

Tom / Team

  • Both Catherine and TJ are good with the charge and their roles

  • OT is ready to vote on this

    • Fist of 5 vote:

      • Unanimous 5 votes to proceed with this team

  • Next Steps:

    • Caitlin will pull-up the new project team onboarding instructions, share the onboarding instructions and process with the OT, and solicit 1-2 volunteers to help with onboarding the Ethical and Inclusive Metadata Practices in UC Library Search Project Team

  •  Caitlin Nelson will pull-up the new project team onboarding instructions, share the onboarding instructions and process with the OT, and solicit 1-2 volunteers to help with onboarding the Ethical and Inclusive Metadata Practices in UC Library Search Project Team

UC Alma User Counts

  • Follow-up on discussion from last OT Meeting

  • Report back discussion from 8/17 OT-SC Meeting re: UC Alma User Counts

7 mins

Caitlin / Tom

  • Discussed UC Alma User Counts at last week’s OT-SC meeting

    • There were some target numbers that we all agreed upon for the Alma User Counts, and based on that we negotiated for a total number

      • Some campuses are above their numbers and some are below; we shared out numbers to folks and asked for their feedback about where they are, why they are above or below, their needs, etc.

    • Any differential that will happen this year doesn’t effect our contract

    • The opportunity we have to make a change is between years 3 and 4

      • We are now in year 2

      • At the end of year 3, that’s when we can change our contract

        • Once we get closer to this point, we’ll have the opportunity to renegotiate specifically with ExL and update the cost share model

    • This year, sharing out the numbers was more of an FYI and request to think about needs and do some analysis

      • In future years, there may be more action items associated with asking folks to look at their numbers and provide some assessment and feedback

    • Basically, no action will be taken on this other than informational, until the end of year 3

  • How close to the ceiling are we with the number of records?

    • Caitlin made a contract review document and will share it out with OT

      • This year we are good, but in future years, this is a point of negotiation

        • Folks do think it’s unfair that ExL charges 3% more every year, but we are frozen at the numbers that are outlined at the start of the contract

          • The contract doesn’t allow for our metrics to grow, so something we want to consider for our future contract

  •  Caitlin Nelson will share with the OT the contract review document that she made

Executive Session

Private discussion as needed


Parking Lot

Capture important topics for future discussion

  • Taking the Temperature Survey

    • Discuss Responses from Survey, particularly the What worries you? and What are you most excited about? sections

  • Communication with Subteams, Cohort, and Campuses

  • Need to create a page for System Down Reporting



61 mins
