State the purpose of the group in 25 words or less (brief, energizing).
RolesWhat are the duties needed to get the work done? Who will take notes? Who will keep meetings on track/time? Who is responsible for tracking actions?Charge
In alignment with the SILS principles, the SILS Data Privacy and Security Team establishes criteria for when issues should be brought to the SILS Data Privacy and Security Team and the process for doing so. It considers and develops recommendations, consistent with the Operating Principles in Recommendation
4 of the SILS Phase 4 Data Privacy Task Force Report; establishes pathways for recommendations to be forwarded to SILS Leadership Group for approval and adoption. And once decisions once made establishes a workflow for implementing and communicating them to the SILS Cohort and campuses. The Team also develops a proposal for implementation for a training (series) that members of the SILS governance (Leadership Group, Operations Team, SubTeams, Groups) should receive between Jan 2022 and June 2022 to
become familiar with data privacy and security issues. It creates reference templates or documents needed to implement the workflows above (for example, templates for privacy notices disclosing how the
Libraries use patron data or for agreements that can be used when data sharing is contemplated between individual libraries). In addition, it provides recommendations on refining the Operating Principles in Recommendation 3 of the SILS Phase 4 Data Privacy Task Force Report.
Reporting Line
Reports to SILS WG through Dec, 31, 2021. Reporting line switches to SILS LG in Jan 2022.
What are our expectations for working together? Create a list of statements that the team agrees to uphold. For example, ask yourself: How do we make this group a safe space for transparent discussion (knowing that it might become contentious, and avoid back-channeling)? What are our ground rules for meetings? How do we ensure everyone is engaged? How do we ensure everyone has a voice? How will we resolve disagreements?
Team Charter
Agreed upon by all members at the 1/18/2022 meeting
Meeting starts no later than 5 mins after the start time.
We will assume the best intentions of each member, and ask clarifying questions of each other. Listen with an open mind, defer judgement, and ask clarifying questions.
We honor the input and opinions of every member. We will work to make opportunities for all input, without delaying the decision-making process.
E.g. If a member is not in attendance, and a decision needs to be made, they can provide input ahead of time by seeking advice from team members(s) ahead of time. Meeting materials (for meetings with decisions) can be provided at least a day ahead of time to facilitate this process.
Decision-making / consensus process:
Fist of Five: a “1” blocks endorsement, anything else is endorsement with levels of disagreement or concern.
Page 6 of Ongoing SILS structure, work practices, and charges
Communication: Prefer email for discussions and general communication; slack only as light/easy as “I’m late” or something that does not require a response back.