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Desired Outcome







General Check-In



Michelle: UCSD recruited for Ernesto. Ingrid Chamberlin (spelling?) Ingred Mogilner Chamberlin is the new operations circulation managerCirculation Operations Manager. She’ll be joining us next meeting.

Sahra: is anyone having problems with letters? We have a faculty member who isn’t getting emails for items that are due. are notices setup for network users? Sounds like it might be a one-off and not necessarily a consortial problem.


Bursar integration/export

Investigate/inquire how UCSC & UCD export fees to bursar

n/a skip for now

Follow up on the UC Consortial Block Decision for 04/05 blocks.

UCSC & UCD export fees to bursar, causing balances to zero out. is there a way to generate a report that is not tied to fine/fee balances? The goal is for Libraries to have local control over 04 or 05 blocks and if something is kicked out to the bursar’s office, it adds another layer of complexity and time) into the process.

Notes from last meeting:

UCSC doesn’t block people because of fines. Would rather just have the patron reach out about returning/replacing a block. Once the process goes to the bursar’s office, the Library is out of picture.

Action items from last meeting:

  • UCSC will inquire about what happens on the AFN if a patron is blocked (or unblocked but still has business with the bursar). See email ->

  • UCD haven't had a chance to sit down with billing coordinator yet. Will hopefully get something in writing for next week.

Email from Nicole @ UCSC:

It was settled that since we care more about the return of books rather than fines payment that we would keep all fines and fees listed on network user accounts in order for home institutions to place blocks on accounts. This is a change from what we currently do/have done in the past which was to use bill posting as the event that would get the patrons attention.

With that being said, we are still working out the finer points of how to proceed if a patron actually cannot return an item and needs to pay the fine through the bursar's office rather than return items.

Email from Antonio @ UCD:

I spoke with our Billing Supervisor and clarified our current block / billing process:


  1. As mentioned before, fines / fees are zeroed out once they are exported to the bursar’s office. We do not add them back onto the account.

  2. Network and non-affiliate users are billed through our Library Finance department. These bills are paid directly to the campus cashier’s office.

  3. We only block borrowers for Overdue Recalls. However, these blocks fall off once fines / fees export to the bursar and we do not add them back on.


Waiting for now.

3/30 Consortia Block meeting was cancelled to provide the team additional time to make final edits on the decision page. Additionally we’re hoping to hear back from ExL on the questions we proposed.


Review: AFN Potential Issues & Resolutions (draft) page

Review linked pages to ensure information is accurate and up to date. If you have problems editing/viewing, let me know.



  • AFN potential issues & resolutions

For what it’s worth the google doc is more recent than confluence…but we should probably consolidate these pages into confluence for distribution.


Review: Library Fulfillment Directory (draft) page

Review linked pages to ensure information is accurate and up to date. If you have problems editing/viewing, let me know.



  • Library Fulfillment Directory

  • Precursor document to the Fulfillment director/resolution pages above. Can this information be consolidated into those two pages?

View file
nameUC Library Contact List.pdf

UC Merced: emails/phone #s/URLs all up to date



Fulfillment Work Plan

Ongoing review and update as needed.

Link here.




Made edits last time to:

  • Maintenance of User Accounts

  • AFN Analytics

  • UC Path Allowing Employees to Define Preferred Last Names


Wrap up/Topics for next time



Discussion about what we consider as “damage” to an item. And when would we tell an AFN partner?
