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titleIn progress


In seeking to standardize how we report common statistics (to the extent possible); and build centralized statistics reports, generated at the Network Zone

How should the UC Libraries handle counts for two groups of items

  1. items previously represented by “Manuscript Units” in UCOP statistics, and

  2. items currently with “Manuscript” as the value for "Physical Items"."Bibliographic Details"."Resource Type"

in submissions for UCL/UCOP annuals stats (also used for risk management) as well as other, third-party reporting bodies like ARL, ACRL, etc.?

Decision summary

Exclude Special Collections materials from Alma Analytics based annual statistic reports. Instead, Special Collections on each campus will report their own counts of materials for risk-management and other purposes, and re-label “Manuscript” resource type items to reduce confusion.

Owning group




AASAP Team members consulted locally, including their local special collections colleagues

Heads of Special Collections (HOSC)


Leadership Group

Decision-making process

Team members gathered information from campus experts individually and as a group via HOSC.

Some campuses reviewed data from Alma, e.g., list of titles by location with Resource Type = Manuscript.


Target decision date

Date decided

[type // to add Date]



  1. Exclude Special Collections materials from Analytics-based annual statistic reports. Instead, Special Collections on each campus will report their own counts of materials for risk-management and other purposes. Special Collections experts on each campus can define how to exclude records that would duplicate their non-Alma counts.

  2. Re-label “Manuscript” resource-type items using clearer terms, to distinguish them from Special Collections materials. Examples include “Manuscripts, non-SCA” or “Manuscripts (unpublished single instance.” More descriptive language for relevant MARC codes is at: > MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data and > Bibliographic Formats and Standards


Stakeholder group


UC Libraries

Determinations around what and how we report are for the most part managed/owned by the UC Libraries (i.e., shared ownership).


CDL analysts, who are responsible for building report queries at the Network Zone according to templates agreed upon by the UC Libraries, must exclude items based a variety of parameters – likely resource type and location (specific to campus special collections), and any another group of query parameters identified by campus partners.

Special Collections on every campus

SC on every campus will have to keep and report their own statistics to third parties.


Likely, this specifically pertains to our Risk Management Office, who reports holdings information to our insurer, for compliance purposes.
