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Comment: Background update


  • For Added counts:

    • Use “Physical Items“.”Physical Item Details”.”Lifecycle” = Active AND

    • Use “Physical Items”.”Item Creation Date” OR

    • Use “Physical Items”.”Item Receiving Date” and find out why there are significant impacts at San Diego, Davis, Irvine, Los Angeles, Riverside, San Francisco, and Santa Barbara when dates are added into the data extract /report build in Alma Analytics.

  • For Withdrawn counts:

    • Use “Physical Items”.”Item Modification Date” = Deleted and/or None or NULL AND

    • Find out reasons behind the usage of the Deleted value AND/OR

    • Encourage identification of a common field to house a withdrawal/deletion note which consists of at least the initial of the person accountable for the withdrawal/deletion, date of the withdrawal/deletion, and reason behind the withdrawal/deletion for not only statistical reporting purposes but also accountability purposes.


  • UCOP statistical reporting are collected for risk management purposes.

  • ARL reporting guidelines would like institutions to be consistent with their reporting such that institutions should continue reporting counts for criteria reported initial years should be continually reported in subsequent years, including the groupings of the institution types.

  • ACRL and ARL statistical reporting requirements allow focus in counts reflecting what has been cataloguedfocus on catalogued material.

  • CEAL statistical reporting requirements would like to know what has not yet been catalogued.

While reasons for statistical reporting are unknown and not shared; there exists suggested reasons for statistical reporting for studies on values and impacts of libraries and their collections which encourages desires for further reporting of changes in the libraries and collections, where counts of additional and withdrawal of items each year are significant in the report build.


  • ask about both catalogued and un-catalogued material

UCOP and ARL statistics ask for statistics for a snapshot in time: usually, it’s the end of the most recent fiscal year. Therefore, campuses have in the past used various approaches to exclude any material added after the end of the fiscal year when running reports after that date. For example, a report run on August 1 would be set up to exclude material added after July 1. Alma Analytics has a variety of date fields in records for physical items. However, these fields each have a variety of drawbacks for several reasons, e.g., campus procedures, migration artifacts, and expected levels of inconsistently clean data in the context of a system with over 40 million physical item records.

As a result, the following variables and a combination of them were reviewed for decisions to be made :

  • Physical Items

    • Lifecycle

    • Material Type v. Resource Type

    • Item Creation Date v. Creation Date

    • Item Receiving Date v. Receiving Date v. Receiving Date (Calendar)

    • Item Modification Date v. Modification Date
