Versions Compared


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  • Jackie Gosselar, Chair

  • Sarah Lindsey, Vice Chair

  • Caitlin Nelson

  • Anna Arrieta, Support Member

  • Thomas Bustos, periodic Support Member

  • Greg Ferguson

  • Jeremy Hobbs

  • John Riemer

  • Ramon Barcia

  • Zach Silveira

  • Lakshmi Arunachalam

  • Gem Stone-Logan

  • Lynne Grigsby

Meeting Recording

The meeting recording is available for download in the OT Shared Google Folder, which you can access using this link:


Desired Outcome







Ex Libris support: CJK reindexing

  • Hear concerns from SILS OT members ahead of Friday meeting

(9:03am) 20-30 min


  • For reference: Ex Libris Support Meeting - Notes for Special Meeting on 7/18/23

  • Points of concern from the latest reindexing (UCSC, UCSB, and UCI):

    • ensure that the jobs kick off at 10pm and are not in hanging in pending status

    • get clarity on whether the jobs ran in parallel or not (it seems they did not)

    • further explanation on the errors flagged

    • establish clear line of communication

  • New date for UCI re-indexing?

  • Sandbox refresh - options: skip or on-demand?

  • Erroneous system down information for UCI

    • no updates on confusion with CSU location

  • Double-check on Users reindex vs Bib reindex - those users ones would be the ones disrupting circ and such.


CJK Reindexing communication expectations

  • ExL expectations:

    • Put “system down” as the priority

    • File a ticket only after the 24 hour mark, unless something is broken.

    • File a ticket, include “CJK indexing” to indicate this is related to the current CJK indexing happening. Add the name of their point person (see Judith)

    • They do have a team on standby, but the ticket gets forwarded to them. They are not the front line team. Tickets should be forwarded to this appropriate team.

    • Multiple campuses will run consequentially and not concurrently (“run the job” means “put it in the queue”)

      • queue order was not communicated to us beforehand

  • UC expectations:

    • Queue order knowledge beforehand

    • Forward our tickets to the appropriate team.

    • Add a campus code to your tickets

    • Timing for communication: we aren’t comfortable waiting for 24 hours if we see something.

    • Need some way to immediately communicate with someone. Call 24/7 hub?: We expect a prompt answer on the ticket, if we don’t get that we will be calling and referencing the ticket on the phone.

    • Ask ExL to keep us posted: three campuses are kicked off! This one is done! This one is going now! etc.

      • They need to be on call for US.

    • The call to abort a job should be ours. ExL needs to contact campus representatives when issues arise. (i.e. CSU job run instead of UCI and UCI job was aborted)

  •  Jackie Gosselar to write up communication expectations for next ExL negotiation (September) for presentation to LG

CJK reindexing new decisions

  • DECISION POINT: Do we reschedule the remaining campuses to have fewer IZs per weekend?

  • Input from campuses:

    • UCM would prefer Saturday

    • UCI would prefer this weekend (7/21-7/22)

    • UCB would like to delay (not this weekend, but before early September)

    • UCLA can delay as well (not after 8/18 b/c law school semester starts)

    • UCSF is ok going overnight during the week

    • Good to have NZ on Labor Day weekend - no work on Monday means more leeway

  • Things to keep in mind:

    • We can choose Friday as the start date

    • two campuses on the same weekend, no more

    • manual checkouts may be needed during reindexing, if it runs during the day

      • can use barcodes, but not name lookups (self-checkout still works as a result)

    • No Alma impact, just Primo thus far

      • banner in Primo for patrons created as a “just in case” measure

    • When the search configuration change takes place is when things kick off for the chosen campus

  • New schedule for this weekend 7/21-7/23

    • 2 “hit the button” moments: Friday night (UCI) and Saturday night (UCSD and UCM) - Gem will contact ExL regarding this distinction, will have information by Friday morning

    • UCI - Friday 7/21 @ 8pm (Lakshmi will double check - could swap with UCSD)

    • UCSD - Saturday 7/22 @ 10pm

    • UCM - Saturday 7/22 @ 10pm (may not run until Sunday morning)

  • Latest Reindexing Schedule


All Chairs meeting update

5 mins



Executive Session

  • Private Discussion

5 mins



Build agenda for next OT meeting

  • Build and finalize the agenda for next week’s OT meeting

5 mins


  • See proposed agenda here


Parking Lot

Capture important topics for future discussion

5 mins




40-50 mins
