Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Based on our discussions with Ex Libris and our sandbox testing, we expect there to be minimal visible changes to our users.

Visible changes in the IZ:
  • Alma Configuration

  • Analytics folder for your Institution (NOTE: because the sandbox does not have analytics, we were unable to test this.)

  • How holdings for other campuses display in UC Library Search/Primo VE (that is, "University of California, Santa Barbara" will change to "University of California Santa Barbara")

  • The University name displayed on Alma Letters. However, at the moment it looks like that field may not be used in the Alma Letters.


  • Search facets in NZ Alma

  • Held By information for individual records

Likely Analytics Changes:

Note: we have been unable to test Analytics changes because the sandbox does not offer an Analytics option. However, based on the feedback from Ex Libris and other Alma customers, below are changes we consider likely.

  • In the Fulfillment subject area, “Loan Details”.”Loans – Linked from Institution Name” and “Loan Details”.”Loaned at Institution Name” may contain both forms of the name, with the old form appearing on any loan transactions that existed prior to the name change.

    We may be able to mitigate this problem by using code rather than name. However, this would potentially require rewriting existing reports.

    This will impact every campus borrowing from a campus with a comma currently in their organization unit name.

  • Table showing potential future values for the fields.Image Added

  • Borrowing Requests subject area. “Requester”.”User – Linked from Institution Name” will contain both forms, with the old form appearing on any requests prior to the name change. Likewise for the

  • Requests subject area, “Requester”.”User – Linked from Institution Name.

    We may be able to mitigate this problem by using code rather than name. However, this would potentially require rewriting existing reports

    This will impact every campus borrowing from a campus with a comma currently in their organization unit name.

  • Changing the organization unit name will *not* lead to a change in the name of the institution’s folder under Shared Folders. However, this is something we can request that Ex Libris do for us.


Any existing reports that use “Loan Details”.”Loans – Linked from Institution Name” , “Loan Details”.”Loaned at Institution Name”, “Requester”.”User – Linked from Institution Name”

Unexpected Changes

If there are unexpected issues, they are most likely to be related to Alma Analytics due to our inability to test Analytics in the sandbox. We do not believe that custom Primo VE domains would be impacted but this is another area we could not test in the sandbox.


Action/Point Person

Expected Completion Date



OT reviews updated decision page and determines whether or not to go forward

Approved with the provision that workaround be documented for the Analytics issues.

SILS Op Center: Inform stakeholders of the decision

26 Jan

SILS Op Center: Work out timeline with Ex Libris and Confirm with OT

Make the change in production