Versions Compared


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Ex Libris Ticket: 06620571

Current Status : Our sandbox testing was successful. We are now preparing a plan to implement the organization unit name change in our production of 2/8/2024: Operations Team has approved the change in production


Last fall the CDLNZ project team identified several different ways campuses could create orders in their Institutional Zone (IZ) based on Network Zone (NZ) inventory. We compiled these options and then requested campuses provide feedback on the pros and cons of each approach for their situation.  Our resulting summary of the feedback and recommended next steps can be found here


In contrast, UCLA encyclopedia of Egyptology also does not have a license attached but is available to all campuses. Both UCD and UCR have the ability to order this resource off the NZ Inventory.

Next Steps

CDL staff will continue to follow up with Ex Libris about this bug. Pending Ex Libris’s response to fixing this bug, additional testing is necessary to identify any other potential bugs that could negatively impact CDL and the campuses regarding linking IZ POLs to NZ content. Once more thorough testing is completed, we will be in a better position to work with campuses to discuss options.  

Throughout our work on CDLNZ project team we have regularly come across examples of where the network zone Alma functionality did not reflect the documentation or expected behavior. As each problem is resolved, we learn more about how we can optimize Alma to benefit the UC SystemIn August 2023, Ex Libris told us that the ordering problem was due to a comma in the Organization Unit Name in three campus institutional zones (IZ): UC Merced, UC Santa Barbara, and UC Santa Cruz. In addition, they need to update a backend NZ table to match the IZ names (see screenshot below).

In November 2023 we tested this change our sandboxes and determined that this change does fix the order link issue. In addition, we did not discover any problems as a result of the change. However, we were unable to test any potential Analytics issues because we do not have Analytics sandbox access.

Next Steps

Operations Team has approved the change in production pending some tweaks to the Organization Unit Name Change Decision Page.

Ex Libris Ticket History
