Decision summary | Escalate to OT Coordinating at ERES subteam level is problematic: Our previous request for feedback by campus included group input (ERES, ACQ & DISC and non-SILS) randomly selected rather than broad systematic inquiry; Feedback was contradictory and specific to the local system understanding, together with varying stages of data cleaning relevant to that campus, as well as the familiarity with local and CDL collections under examination; ERES is unable to project manage the necessary consensus building due to the diversity of units and departments involved (technical services, discovery, public services, instructional services, user experience assessment, etc.). Some groups are represented within SILS and some are non-represented. OT has the ability to examine this problem more broadly, including holistic computer system functionality (Alma, Primo, CDI, database search), alternative search tools such as LibGuides A-Z List, product purchase models (Tier 1, 2 and 3) and display inter-connectivity between IZ and NZ, and more. OT can determine the project priority, weighing tension between the SILS principles' desire for a great user experience vs reality of human resource level needed to make this deliverable possible.