Versions Compared


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  • Sherry Lochhaas, CDL

  • Jeremy Whitt, UCLA

  • Carla Arbagey, UCR

  • Sarah Sheets, UCM

  • Katie Keyser, UCSF

  • Judy Keys, UCSD

  • Tamara Pilko, Chair, UCSC

Not in attendance:

  • Jason Dezember, UCB

  • Jharina Pascual, Vice-Chair, UCI

  • Michelle Polchow, UCD

  • Natalee Bell, UCSB

Meeting documents:
Meeting Recording & Chat (link to file in Google Drive)


Desired Outcome







Record: Tamara


OpenAthens Sharing Session Tuesday, June 25 10-11am

Zoom link for attendees (Add to Google Calendar)

No meeting July 4-Holiday

Share announcements

5 min

Tamara Pilko

Note taker/Actions: Sherry Lochhaas
Timekeeper: Sarah Sheets

  • Likely Tamara’s last full meeting, as she’s out the next time

  • Jeremy has agreed to be new vice chair


Standing Item: ExLibris Support Tickets

(UC/ExL mtg, monthly on 3rd Friday: agenda)

Info Share

5 min

Tamara Pilko

any outstanding items from the last support meeting?

any items to add to this month’s agenda (6/21)?

CRL catalog update

  • CRL: They recently converted the CZ collection to zero-title. But it has no serials in the CDI (they say it’s because there are no URLs associated), Tamara will try to follow up with ExL again about the CRL issue

  • Other CZ collections for CRL collections have slim cataloging

For next standing meeting, send updates/questions directly to Gem (Tamara will be out)


Standing Item: Reviewing ExLibris updates and releases

Info Share

5 min


Links to Sources of ExLibris Updates/Release Notes

Recent ExL webinars now on YouTube:

Session 1 : Collaborative Networks and Shared Catalog in the NZ:

Alma Network Zone Consortia Webinar Series:


24-25 Round Up

Wrap Up outstanding Items



Work Plan: E-Resources

  • remove vendor spend item

Review pages:

Identifying eBooks and eJournals in an IZ that are also activated in NZ

Best Practice for activating a CZ portfolio in both NZ and IZ

Outstanding items:

  • multi-part ecollections

    • Jharina will wrap this up

  • perpetual access

    • Michelle & Tamara will look at this page and document what’s been done so far

  • joint statement with DISC on CDI responsibility

    • Tamara will work with Gem from DISC on a joint statement - that CDI should be handled by both groups/staff

Vice-Chair - email ballot

Other items…

  • CRL has its own page but is going back to the support group - can potentially wrap up soon

Tamara Pilko

  • will mark these pages as complete

  • will reach out to Gem about CDI conversation

  • cancel June calendar meetings


Wrap Up + Action Items

Review action items and next steps

5 min

Tamara Pilko

Next week: we will check in on slack if we want to have the troubleshooting mtg

meeting on the 20th: up to Jharina as Tamara is out

meeting on the 27th: several folks will be out (ALA and other things). Likely cancel?

Decision: Not meeting for the rest of June

Next meeting: July 11th with Jharina as new chair


Parking Lot

Capture important topics for future discussion:


