Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


During preparation for FY23/24 annual statistics, the AASA-PT revisited this decision and decided to further refine it by removing the format designators “ - Electronic” and “ - Physical” from Resource Type labels altogether from final reporting. During reporting, tables are clearly labeled with the format for which the statistics are being reported; including designators in the Resource Type labels is redundant, does not add any clarity to the reporting, and can cause confusion if format designators do not align with the format being reported (e.g., “ - Physical” materials reported in Holdings (Electronic)). This decision allows AASA-PT to balance accurate reporting of annual statistics leveraging SILS data while also facilitating easy use and clear understanding of UCL annual statistics, within the project team, at local campuses, and at UCOP.

Options Considered

Option 1

Option 2

Option 3


Report Resource Types with their original Alma/Analytics labels, including format designators that do not align with the reporting area

Continue “re-binning” practice from FY22/23 UCL annual statistics reporting, including in final reporting

Remove format designators from Resource Type labels for final annual reporting


Simplifies the build for generating Network Zone statistics

Supports goals of reporting UCL collections as they are represented in the SILS

Reduces confusion if there are materials with Resource Type format designators that do not align with the area in which they are being reported (materials labeled as electronic being reported as physical items are relabeled as physical, and materials labeled as physical being reported as electronic are relabeled as electronic)

Streamlines final reporting by removing unnecessary and potentially confusing detail

Supports accurate reporting of UCL collections, while removing the potential for confusion around material formats


Requires explanation of historical cataloging practices (materials labeled as electronic being reported as physical items, and materials labeled as physical being reported as electronic)

Requires maintaining documentation detailing which Resource Types are “re-binned”

Requires reporting final statistics with normalized Resource Type labels as well as initial statistics for review by campus contacts with original Alma/Analytics Resource Type labels

Requires maintaining documentation detailing how Alma/Analytics Resource Types are modified for different stages of stats reporting

Questions to consider




Action Log

Action/Point Person

Expected Completion Date





Discussions about FY22/23 “re-binning” practices and challenges that arose, potential alternative approaches in FY23/24 reporting, and opportunities for further refinement in the future




Decision about which approach to take in FY23/24 reporting (both initial reporting for campus review/verification and final reporting)




Review and endorse final decision page

In progress