Versions Compared


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Remove “ - Electronic” and “ - Physical” material format designators from resource type labels in annual statistics final reporting for ACRL/IPEDS, ARL, and UCL/UCOP to facilitate communication about and support clear understanding of systemwide annual statistics. For Detailed (All Data) reporting, retain these labels (that is, preserve the original Resource Type labels as they appear in Alma and Alma Analytics) to support data comparison by AASA-PT and campus experts. Do not remove “ - Microfiche,” “ - Microfilm,” or other similar ‘micro’ format designators. Original Resource Type labels will also be preserved in files shared with AASA-PT and campus statistics contacts during the review period, while NZ-generated and non-ILS statistics are being compiled (typically late summer/early fall).

See the FY23/24 Resource Type Crosswalk for details on how each Alma Resource Type is displayed in annual statistics reporting (both review files and final reports).


Stakeholder group


Systemwide Library Planning (SLP) /  Systemwide Data Analyst (SDA)

SDA will need to maintain documentation detailing how each Alma/Analytics Resource Type is relabeled for annual stats reporting purposes. Statistics will need to be reported by original Resource Type (includes format designator) for initial statistics review, then replaced with the normalized Resource Type label (without format designator) for final reporting. SLP will maintain crosswalks showing Resource Types equivalencies (Alma/Analytics, initial NZ-generated stats reporting, and final reporting) to support understanding of the modifications and review/verification of data by campuses.


Team members will need to be able to support campus colleagues during initial data reviews to explain instances where “ - Electronic” Resource Types appear in Physical Holdings and Physical Usage reporting (e.g., DVDs and CDs cataloged as electronic resources), and instances where “ - Physical” Resource Types appear in Electronic Holdings reporting (e.g., digitized facsimiles of materials originally published in print, like older dissertations and theses). Team members will need to be able to support understanding of how removing the format designators from Resource Type labels streamlines statistics reporting (how Resource Types are combined where there are multiple resource types of different formats, e.g., “Books - Physical” and “Books - Electronic”.

Campus statistics contacts

In the first year, campus statistics contacts may need extra support understanding instances where “ - Electronic” Resource Types appear in Physical Holdings/Physical Usage reporting and instances where “ - Physical” Resource Types appear in Electronic Holdings reporting. These are the result of local cataloging decisions and while they are not incorrect decisions, they do make the statistics confusing to understand.

End users of UCL/UCOP annual statistics (campus library leadership, general public)

Final UCL annual statistics reports will be easier to read and understand. Detailed data will be available for users who want to dig deeper into the statistics.

Various reporting obligations

High-level/summary statistics are not anticipated to see significant changes. AASA-PT will continue to provide lists of which Resource Types were used in calculating high-level/summary statistics to campuses for reporting purposes.

Reporting obligations are UC risk management, IPEDS, ACRL (select campuses), and ARL (select campuses).
