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SILS News - Phase 3 Recap

Send by 5/7


Ben to start draft

Confirm copy/ announcement workflow w/ Lena Zentall (Unlicensed) and Christine Barone (Unlicensed)


Future SILS News

  • SILS News on Introductory Getting to Know videos to Alma/Primo (?) (send to SILS-COHORT) too.

  • SILS News announcing Phase 3 report published on the website with endorsed SILS recommendations in the body of the email (Danielle writes/Lena posts PDF-next week)

  • SILS News about how the decision-making process works: transparency with decision pages, supergroups are ready to expand if needed and remind folks that the wiki will be open

  • Impending budgetary/staffing constraints


  • Massive losses to the University in March and continuing

  • May experience staffing constraints (furloughs, etc) - likely scenario.

  • how do we position SILS to avoid having funds siphoned from MPI…efficiencies

  • Advocacy: focus on staff time-savings aspect of SILS and other efficiencies so everyone understands the value of the project.

  • September is when we’ll have a better picture of the budget (after State budget is revised and campuses know their enrollment numbers)

  • We need to plan for staff/time reductions and how this would impact our project timeline

    • risk 1: money for the new staff positions disappears

    • risk 2: to the MPI money and we can’t make our contract payments

    • risk 3: timeline gets extended

  • Avoid scope creep - do not add any further complexity to the project. Focus on MVP. Lighten the load whenever possible. +1

  • On MPI, the value of the project is well understood by library leadership and by Pres. Napolitano. She deeply believes in our project and the approach of coming together to transform, innovate and enable efficiencies.

  • We have contingency funds in our MPI that would aid us to weather a possible budget cut.

  • SILS is well-socialized at OP and with the ULs. The investment is valued and we are underway.

  • Reduced staffing is the significant risk we must plan for.

  • UCB is looking at SILS in their budget modeling and asking how they can prioritize SILS work. Got an exemption to hire a systems & discovery librarian to support the SILS. (Yay!)

  • Chris and Günter could ask ULs to appropriately prioritize the SILS in their budget planning. Take the pulse and see how ULs are thinking currently. It’s a top priority at CDL.

  • Ways to support campuses – project out when work will happen and when it could be pushed out to share with campuses. What is critical path and critical to the project.

  • Inconsistent assumptions about what the go-live date means. Cleanup and migration continue for years post-migration. focus on what must be done to make the deadline.

  • Get buyin from FGs on what the MVP is and what it will look like and what will be worked on later.

    • Extended timeline beyond go-live to really show work gets done, just later.

  • Next step is to show where the intense work is, get buyin on the MVP, and show the timeline going out post-go-live (and remind everyone it’s normal for data cleanup to take many years)

  • Consult with ILS Data cleanup group and Salwa who has done this work at UCB also on painting a picture of the work.

  • We will get bad budget news at some point at each institution. Staff will make assumptions about what it means for SILS. We need to keep the confidence that SILS will continue and their efforts are valued and needed.

  • Have our boiler plate ready to say why SILS is worthwhile for various audiences.

  • Show the SILS timeline against budget decisions timeline to illuminate when we need messaging to be sent.

  • Create stakeholder inventory and messaging that will resonate with each; campuses should own how the actual messages roll out (CFOs, staff, ULs, Chancellor, Provosts, etc.) Ben will discuss building out the stakeholder inventory with Adrian to include budget audiences.

  • SILS WG members to be ambassadors to get the message out of why SILS is important.

  • Campus messaging will be different: putting resources in the hands of local teams so they can get the message out appropriately.

  • Licensed content - active renegotiations may happen to prepare for the inevitable budget cuts. Should we return to Ex Libris to renegotiate? May be worthwhile to do an environmental scan of peer institutions - what are other institutions doing? Timing? When budgets are cut makes sense but that’s also when UC Procurement will be most busy. Discuss briefly with John Bono and then Bala whether this is feasible/likely. We should also consider what we could reduce from our current contract, e.g., premium sandboxes (and the timing of when this could practically be done-- don't want to do it prematurely during go-live.

  • Scenario-planning sub-group for risk mitigation: Who leads?

  • Nothing shared externally until after Sept. 2020


Add’l Early Priorities

Assign roles and timelines


  1. The Communication Leads will develop a plan that includes a timeline for completing their work and deliverables. Within four weeks of their launch, the Communication Leads will deliver their plan to the SILS Working Group for review and endorsement.

    • Communication plan 

    • Stakeholder inventory (New + identifying stakeholders and messaging around impact of budget tightening and the value proposition for SILS. Have our boilerplate ready to say why SILS is worthwhile for various audiences.)

    • Communication flow diagram (see #3 below)

    • Online presence (priority)

  2. FAQ including basic system info (old vs. new systems) including how CDL and RLFs will be handled in the new SILS, major campus integrations (Work with PM Leads on this; consult with ICs as needed)

  3. Communication pathways (asking questions within cohort and outside cohort) Com Leads would document the communication flow. 

  • Next steps are possibly meeting with PPC who have taken the lead in this discussion.

  • Next step on agenda for Ops Leads

Adrian Petrisor - 1st draft 5/12

Comm flow diagram

Ben Alkaly (Unlicensed)
1st draft , 5/19, after stakeholder inventory

Public Wiki:
Decisions on what to surface 5/12; live week of 5/18
- Review CSU Wiki

Comm plan:
Adrian Petrisor - 1st draft, 5/19

FAQ (discuss 5/7):
1) Keep acronym glossary
- Consider mind-shift to LSP
2) Timelines
- Implementation
- Training and outreach
3) Confidentiality/info-sharing


Parking Lot

Capture issues raised during the meeting that will be discussed another time.




