Note: One reading of the documentation is that the matches are within the institution; it’s not clear to me from the documentation that going in different files for the same institution will negate this problem (https://knowledge.exlibrisgroup.com/Alma/Implementation_and_Migration/Migration_Guides_and_Tutorials/010Alma_Migration_Considerations_for_Consortia#Multilple_Matches_Within_the_Same_Institution). Do the source files have to have deduped OCLC numbers in t
Note from Data Cleanup: the issues with RLF records and duplicate OCLC numbers has less to do with whether the bib record is the master record or not, it has to do with the fact that if it is the second record with that OCLC number to load from within the UCLA or UCB loads, the RLF holdings will not be linked to the NZ record and will only be int the UCLA or UCB IZ.
If the RLF records duplicate other bibliographic records in the same record load and they do not load first, then the RLF holdings will not be linked to the NZ record.