PM Leads to determine what the highest value meeting time would be for SILS project co-chairs (Chris & Günter) to join a meeting/participate.
(PM Leads) Premortem: review plan for actions/mitigating into the future
(Com Leads) Create a Slack channel for cohort members to give thanks to each other. Call it sils-accolades or sils-kudos or sils-shout-outs or sils-gratitude Purpose: encourage members to recognize each other’s efforts; showcase the good work that’s happening; facilitate team bonding. We could mine this channel for possible SILS News, townhalls, project updates, etc. Adrian and Ben get the final word on whether this should be done. If so, it would be part of their communication plan. Also begs the question of other slack channels needed. I will add this topic to a future Ops Leads (COM) agenda.