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Desired Outcome








  • Add any new topics to the agenda

  • Take a temperature check / How is it going?

  • Confirm Minutes Recorder for this meeting - Lai Arakawa

    • In the event that the designated Recorder or Timekeeper is not in attendance, then an alternate volunteer will be requested for that given meeting

  • CoShare co-Chairchair update

  • Vacations/Out

5 min


Shared Google drive

  • Stephen Gurnick has agreed to be our group’s co-chair. Thanks Stephen!!!

  • The PM’s recently moved each team’s Vacations/Out page from Confluence to the Google shared folders

    • At your earliest convenience, please enter any set or possible vacation dates into the document

    • Memorial Day, May 25th - No meeting next week


Guidelines for Minutes

10 min


  • Link to document in Outcome column


Tasks & Deliverables

  1. Confirm - Has everyone located and begun reviewing the migration form and data extraction documentation for your current ILS system?Confirm - Single UC-wide patron record database or separate institutional patron databases?

  2. Confirm - Should we migrate expired patron records?

  3. From Governance Charge -

An inventory of current patron data sources and system integrations at the campuses.
  • A list of patron data cleanup activities and assignments that need to be accomplished prior to the initial data migration.

  • A list of patron data issues which require harmonization decisions, to be made available to the Implementation Coordinators group.

  • A register of post-migration quality control tests and results from each campus implementation team. Due late 2021.

    • See Parking Lot

  • A final report of any ongoing post-migration data issues. Due late 2021.

    See Parking Lot

30 min


  • Status -

    1. Link to document in Outcome column.

    2. Documentation illustrates fields that need to be focused on and fields that might be different.

    3. IC will be responsible for downloading, completing and submitting forms. Communication needed between you and them to ensure nothing is missed.

  • Status-

    Ex Libris Migration Guides & Tutorials

    •  All - 1. Locate and begin reviewing the migration form and data extraction documentation for your current ILS system. Link to main page in the Outcome column, the form for your ILS should be listed on that page.
     All - 4b. Begin creating your
    1. Status -

      1. Single UC-wide patron record database or separate institutional patron databases?Greg opened a

        1. Still awaiting decision from Fulfillment & ILL FG; due date is May 21st

        2. Decision page within the IC Confluence space

        and is still awaiting response
        1. Priority options are being evaluated

      2. Due date is currently May 21, 2020

      3. Initial preference is to have a decentralized patron database. CSU’s strongly recommend.
    2. Status - Should we migrate expired patron records?

      1. Greg opened a Still awaiting decision from Fulfillment & ILL FG; due date is May 21st

      2. Decision page within the IC Confluence space and is still awaiting response

      3. Due date is currently May 21, 2020

    3. From Governance Charge -

      An inventory of current patron data sources and system integrations at the campuses.

        1. Greg confirmed with Caitlin Nelson and IC group that this requested inventory already exists and need not be replicated. See Major integrations

        2. The ICs are currently working on the completion of 3rd Party Integration spreadsheets and may communicate with their respective PDCG member for information related to any patron data (e.g., Student Information Systems) integrations; the spreadsheet is due to Ex Libris by May 29, 2020

        A list of patron data cleanup activities and assignments that need to be accomplished prior to the initial data migration.

        1. How best to document this for the group?

          Example of UCSD spreadsheet can be a good place to start - but do what makes sense for you and your data. Still waiting on an answer for single database standardization, but for now we can focus on our own data. Some of your data might transfer directly into Alma, some might not.

          Created a “Local Campus Data Cleanup Documents” folder in Patron Data Google share.

        2. UCSD and UCI have provided documents thus far; others should as well, following structure/format of their choosing.

          1. Sites already on Alma should obviously have much less data cleanup.

        3. UCI also provided a copy of a Patron Data report from their 2018 migration to Alma that documents decisions and actions they completed, in addition to lessons learned.

          1. UCSD will be creating a similar document; should we all for final documentation/report?

      1. A list of patron data issues which require harmonization decisions, to be made available to the Implementation Coordinators group.

        1. Impacted highly by decision above regarding single or separate patron databases

          1. If we’re decentralized, there might not be a need (or very limited: ILL). How do we identify a student from another campus (does it happen seamlessly on the backend?).

        2. How best to document this for the group?

          1. Tabled.

    • 4.c.2 tabled until more information is provided by IC group.

        1. Still tabled until there is resolution on question of single versus separate patron record databases.

    •  All - 3a. Create local patron data audit and cleanup document and place anonymized “snapshot” copy in shared folder.




    Document what we need to be working on and questions we may have

    •  All - (ONGOING) Add questions for up stream
    •  David will create a folder in the shared Google drive and a document whereby will will establish guidelines for completing meeting notes. All team members will review and make comments (Due next week: the 18th).
    •  All - Provide examples of master (anonymous) patron data cleanup spreadsheets or documentation into folder in Google Drive.


    Parking Lot

    Capture important topics for future discussion

    • Additional Circulation Data Topics to Think About

      • What current ILS fields do not migrate to Alma?

        • Ex. Proxy cards? Millennium Pcodes?

      • Regional resource sharing programs

        • How will those active loans be migrated into Alma?

      • What else do we have and where will it go?

        • Ex. at UCSD - Pronouns

      • Dual status campus affiliates (users that are both a current student and an employee)

        • How do we each manage that now?

      • Better understand the patron barcode field in Alma.

        • Can a user account have multiple barcode number assigned to it?

    • Alma/Primo Sites - Show and Tell

      • Dedicate some time to “what went wrong or what was great” to mentor “new” campuses.

    • From Governance Charge

      • A register of post-migration quality control tests and results from each campus implementation team. Due late 2021.

        1. To be discussed at a later date

      • A final report of any ongoing post-migration data issues. Due late 2021.

        1. To be discussed at a later date



