📢 Recording of the meeting: forthcoming https://ucop.zoom.us/rec/share/z_crEuyh6D1JQ5Hc5VjcSpMLOLbBT6a81iFLrqANyEhG4Frg5IQW-x6OLWaU9AZq(please note: this Zoom-hosted recording will be available for 120 days, until _____October 16, 2020 🗓 , after which it will be automatically deleted by Zoom).
Ginny Steel, (co-chair)
Aislinn Sotelo, (co-chair)
Donald Barclay
Susan Boone
Peter Brantley
Kevin Comerford
Alan Grosenheider
Sarah Houghton
Salwa Ismail
Cathy Martyniak
Sarah Troy
Felicia Poe
Danielle Westbrook