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, 10am-11:30am


Discussion items

DISCOVERY VISION: We strive to design and implement the best possible discovery and delivery experience for our end users using data-driven decision making. We envision a network zone experience that will allow users to discover library materials across UC collections without sacrificing relevant results. As such, the default search and results interface should prioritize the success of typical users while providing additional functionality for more advanced users.


Desired Outcome







New items on Discovery Confluence

What’s new that’s been added this past week

5 min


Add your subcommittee notes to Discussions page


Updates from other SILS groups

Share relevant items

15 min



  • End User Outreach Subgroup (EUOS) charged with decision for SILS Project communications graphic design. We will be consulted on their decision.

  • Jess & Josephine met with co-chairs of Resource Management (RM) as they will consult with us for some of their Decisions.

Example of CSU’s OneSearch logo

A. decide to design within UC and Primo VE guidelines & limits


B. something outside those limits – “Octopus like”

  • Josephine in conversation with Stacy Brinkman (EUOS) chair and Caitlin Nelson (Project Manager)

  • RM co-chairs (Liz Miraglia & Sarah Wallbank) will provide us with a list of scenarios for us to test out once Vanguard Primo VE access is available.

  • Josephine has emailed and waiting to hear back from David Walker of CSU consortium to get more info on how they approached logo branding. {David replied: CSU hired their marketing team from San Bernadino to design logo; that team also made some name suggestions (weren’t popular) & ultimately chose OneSearch as a name their Discovery team came up with themselves.}

  • Discovery FG is in charge of logo & branding. End User Outreach Subgroup takes our work and runs with it in materials.


Check- In: Subcommittees for Primo VE Branding

Discuss branding to work towards completing Decision Page for Primo VE Branding

20 min


Environmental Scan: Ellen, Lisa, Chizu. Spreadsheet with consortia.

Literature Review for best practices: Heather, Elizabeth, Michael. Google sheet created & populated with published lit & blogs from people like D. Walker. Primo listserv. E.g. email to user from system has the word “Primo” in it. Not sure if Aug 4 deadline is too soon or not.

Accessibility/SEO: Sarah, Sharon, Jared (SEO added to group’s charge). Sarah created Google Doc

Sarah Houghton note: ExLib has done lots of work on accessibility

Jess & Josephine available for guidance and feedback

NOTES from last mtg:

  • One name for Primo Across all Campuses? (See CSU)

  • Search Engine Optimization? How will users find from a Google Search.

  • Local data sources to help with these decisions? Documentation from local branding decisions.

  • Facets (right or left)?

  • Flexibility of Campus branding?


  • We’ll get a list of scenarios for functionality testing in the Vanguard

  • Non-Vanguard DFG members will get a Vanguard-Buddy

  •  All: Report back findings to the group on

Check-In: Feedback from your local implementation group for the Discovery Network Scope and Consortia Union View Summary

Address any clarifications coming from local discussions

Check on timeline

20 min


Issues under discussion

  • Branding & marketing

  • Confusion - don’t want duplication. Don’t need a stand alone so why have. Couldn’t see the point of having a union view


    • Default scopes is what groups zoomed in on

    • San Jose Model is liked by an expert staff member

    • want default scope to be IZ

    • Makes sense to focus on what users can get immediately

    • systemwide scopes - example law school specific

    • Q: Ability to bring worldcat view in to primo? (example? Boston created a worldcat search profile in their Primo system)

      • Initial suspicion it would require a specific configuration

  • ILL functionality

    • want to get to worldcat easily to search for items no UC owns

    • limit by availability matters a lot

  • CARLI - mandate to provide services to the whole state. Perhaps see union view as part of their mandate? Complex organization.

  • Creative Tools available

    • Perhaps one consortial view with all bells and whistles turned on. Like a sandbox with a salad bar of all the tools that exist

  • Technical debt - if there is a union view, who is tasked with maintaining it

  •  Jess Waggoner consult with EXL re: Will staff miss anything by not having a union view? Will there be a benefit for bots, SEO, text mining?
  •  Jess Waggoner share the link to the library that brought worldcat view in to Primo


Prepares team for next meeting



Parking Lot/Q&A

Save these issues for future discussion & comments



