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Desired Outcome







Checkin/quick updates/anything from slack or email

  • Don’t forget to check the Task report for your outstanding tasks and check them off when done.



Reminder to check off your “done” tasks from the task report.


SILS Service Manager (recurring)

Report on progress



  • Announcement

  • Plan for coverage

  • Meeting with Steering to review PM work on Sep 30 (9:30? 10am?)


Communication on delay with UCB Alma/Primo

Get Com Leads feedback on a draft email explaining the UCB delay in receiving their Alma/Primo.

Send today or wait?

Run by Steering?




SILS All Chairs meeting (recurring)

  • Note-taking:

  • Facilitating:

  • Monitoring chat: All

  • Track attendance:

Post to SILS Chairs slack channel on Monday before meeting: If no agenda items or pressing issues by EOD Monday, we’ll cancel the Wednesday meeting.

Topics for next meeting: Sep 23



  1. Training - October dates, certification?

  2. Testing - Sep 21 is when we open. Is late delivery of UCB environment a problem with overall timeline that we need to communicate? What is the impact to testing?

  3. EUOS-Discovery work at next SILS Chairs?

  4. Early Oct - SILS value propositions – how is this used? why did we do this? under the hood.

  5. Ask the chairs how many read the latest blog post?


SILS project blog (recurring)

Is the blog necessary?



Let’s make on a decision on this

  • Blog has been challenging - finding the time!

  • Is anyone reading it? And is it providing value? If not, delete it?

  • Agreement we are communicating this same information to the cohort effectively and we don’t need it.

  • Interview different groups to create blog posts such as the ICs on how they are organized locally and how it’s going. Ask 3 questions. Do a seasonal series.

  • Focus on a series of blogs that wrap up the project and lessons learned as a resource before the wiki is archived. July - Sep next year - work for Ben & Adrian.

Consult with SILS chairs on slack and at their meeting if it’s a critical resource of value. If not, delete it.



Revisit our policy on limiting Basecamp as we enter the full implementation phase; document our reasons.

Immediate next steps this week:

  1. Create a decision page (Done! Needs Op Leads review)

    1. If we do agree to open up BC a little more, ensure that the limitation that BC access will only be given upon request as needed.

  2. First draft of best practices by Op Leads (In progress in decision pageDone)

  3. Share with ICs, PPC (Done!), IT, SILS chairs to edit

  4. Consult with Marci (Done!)

  5. Confirm where on BC to post the request for accounts (post on the message board)



Q: Would adding more members of your team to BC be beneficial?

PPC: Yes. It would be great to have the option to add people if we want/need to.

Q: Will adding more people to Basecamp dilute its utility for the core user groups like PPC?


Q: Will adding more people to Basecamp create too much work in answering questions and troubleshooting problems about Basecamp?

PPC: A bit like the previous question; no

Q: Limit to only cohort? Include local implementation team members who are not in the cohort? Allow ICs and others chairs to determine who on the local teams should be included?

PPC: We should empower people to have access. IC’s should add local team members. It is important that everyone in BC follows procedures and knows what to do with the answers.

Q: Should access begin immediately to allow new users to get used to Basecamp before Implementation begins or wait until Implementation phase launches on Nov 5?

PPC: Groups should have access asap, for local members defer to what ICs believe is best.

Q: What’s the best way to share best practices and what happens if users do not follow them?

PPC: Chairs are responsible for ensuring that their group members are aware of best practices and rules of the road. ICs are responsible for ensuring that anyone from their local team(s) is aware of those documents. We are all professionals and expect that people will do the right thing. Reminders if they do not.


Alma Training (recurring)

Update on progress





  • Spring workshops are about workflows at the consortia level and local level.

  • Escalation: We need to have sufficient clarity about what we are escalating before escalating to Ex Libris.

  • Estimated ~300+ hours work starting in September and concluding in December to do the cut (capturing the desired data).

  • local imp teams will manage their local documentation/training.

  • Approach: capture what’s applicable (cherry pick) and then edit as applicable. How much rework would be needed?

  • We don’t yet know which workflows will be standardized.

  • Where should this work best happen – SILS vs. local campus work. Should the local campus take a larger share of the work than the SILS team?

  • What are other peer consortia / inst doing? Adrian got specific end-user training materials.

  • Contract says: provides Alma “train-the-trainer” training (Web-based recorded) - no one has mentioned this yet on the project timeline. What is it? Workshops – that’s what’s happening in Fall and Spring.

  • IT felt it was up to the FGs to build the staff training materials.


(Ops Leads) Ongoing checkin

  1. Is anything blocked or behind schedule?

  2. What deliverables are coming in the next week?

  3. Any decisions, consultations or approvals needed in the next week? 

  4. Do you need anything?




Op Leads feedback on shared gov

Continue work on

What’s the best way to add to this document? On our own or together?




Communicating about integrations work

Determine approach and who’s involved

0Time-permitting, not urgent

In progress - Todd and Adrian will collaborate on this work.


SILS Town Hall meeting (recurring)

3rd Tuesdays


Com Leads


Parking Lot

  • Continue work for SGTF (from Danielle’s visit 8/25) - need to summarize thoughts

  • Start thinking about SILS Town Hall for All (open to all staff)

  • Premortem checkins - Hold for a future meeting

  • SSM for future meeting - Systemwide Work Planning - plan for the work CDL / systemwide groups will do to support the SILS

    • The document was created to gather the assumptions /brainstorms about what services CDL will be providing. Add them to the document as they arise for you.


Wrap up



Any actions or decisions missed?



