For test load all campuses (minus SCPCDL) should copy their data into a 956 field if at all possible. If a 956 field does not work, use any 9xx field in the 950-999 range. RMFG would like to standardize this for cutover if at all possible.
SCP will copy their 856 data into a 946 field
Links in 956 fields can be made actionable in Primo using html tags.
Generally, campuses should not remove their data from existing 856 fields prior to submitting files to Ex Libris
856 40/41 fields that can be easily identified as restricted to a given campus should be removed as soon as possible after migration. Other types of 856 40/41 can be examined over time. Pre-migration: campuses should consistently identify restricted content in their 856 fields. For test load RMFG will look at standardizing 856 text for OA links.
856 42 fields do not need to be removed after migration
Suppressed bibs with 856 fields can be sent through P2E if the portfolio information is needed at a campus
There is no prohibition or prescription around creating portfolios out of finding aids but bibliographic records that only have 856 42 fields (and no other 856 fields) should not be sent through P2E.