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ACQ Work Plan - License Terms



Tamara sent out a Doodle Poll to schedule the next big meeting to go over the terms identified in the 4/19 meeting and settle on configuration requirements at the campus level to accommodate NZ license info.

  • UPDATE 4/25: CDL license terms migrated not as expected and displaying oddly in the IZ (ie field names are displaying as null). Queries sent to ExL who may have to fix settings or codes. Joint subteam meeting date will depend on ExL advice.

  • CDL is working to extract license data access before the end of access to PQ 360 (June 30).
    Connecting licenses to their respective collections in the NZ is not straightforward.


ACQ Work Plan - Developing Policy/Procedures for MVP 003

Review Progress on Documentation


Laura, Erika, Lisa S.

  • Lisa S comparing with current practices in other consortia (SUNY)

  • Laura testing API: where should brief (provisional) records be imported to (IZ or NZ)? Experimenting with updating records. Documenting tests of CZ matches.

  • Lisa S : how to manage variation of processes across campuses, ensuring we are reaching the end result (good NZ hygiene wrt brief recs, etc.).

  • Lisa S drafting : Import Profiles for Print Material - New Order and Update Inventory

  • GOBI API records include OCLC#s but EOD firm order records do not

  • UPDATE 4/25: GOBI told UCSD OCLC#s are in API brief bibs but “often” are different numbers. Testing was suspended until more information is known but will be this week. This may not be an issue since the final merged OCLC# may be the number in the GOBI record.

  • review deadline to see whether it needs to be pushed out.


Gold Plan with GOBI - Renewal Information


Proposal for the University of California System is July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2022 with two option years for renewal FY23 and FY24. All UC libraries can utilize the cataloging service, API service, etc. for a flat fee.

CDL using service for Wiley, Cambridge, Springer.

Contract decided before clear understanding of Alma workflows and WorldCat updates implications. Gold service is essentially $6 bets against whether anyone else will have updated the record - would in house cataloging be a better use of $? UCI API testing will give us a better idea of the kind and frequency of titles that come through without good records.

  • Testing will be this week of 4/25 sometime.

  •  Start Document for Gold Plan Assessment

Evaluate service, metadata, ease of use (interoperability between GOBI and Alma). Identify strengths and areas in need of improvement.

  • review tech specs

  • customer service

  • look for common denominators (themes)


CDL / Local campus Workflows - Updates?


  • Lisa S. Alma does not handle negative allocations (that was one of the ways we managed the recharge/deposit w/ transactions by title to draw that down).

  • Lisa M. CDL has met with ExL to outline processes / use cases to take ExL development. Current functionality doesn’t fully support current workflows

  • Google Drive space for recording where/how recharges are recorded


Parking Lot for Previous Action Items

Use Tax processes - waiting on Audit report suggestions for an actual problem/ask.

  • UCSB’s audit report did not make any specific requests for changes to use tax practices.

  •   All: investigate local reporting in Acq area. Discuss at campus level for which reports are in a shareable version.
  •  All: consider making short show-and-tell Analytics videos and sharing via Slack

New Items

Capture important topics for future discussion


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