Versions Compared


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  • Joshua Gomez, UC Los Angeles 

  • Zoe Tucker, UC Los Angeles

  • Jess Waggoner, UC Santa Cruz

  • Jessica Kruppa, UC Riverside, Chair 

  • Sean Claudio, UC Irvine 

  • Ruth Lee, UC Los Angeles

  • Lisa Weber, UC Berkeley



Desired Outcome


Decisions / Discussion



Taking Stock of prior/current work at individual campuses

  • UCSC

    • 2 students, 1 focused on digital library, 1 on primo

    • received IRB for usability study, just finished few weeks ago

    • Tech: 1 IT person to address primo packages

  • UCLA

    • 2 staff designers - busy with website rebuild

    • 2 student designers focusing on Primo

      • environmental scan

      • usability testing

    • 2 devs available to work on Primo

  • UCI

    • local UX strategy group (fairly new)

    • no practical work, still taking stock of capabilities

    • 1 dev (Sean)

  • UCB

    • local discovery group has web dev and web designer includes a member who is well versed in usabilityUX design

    • addressing link text, forms etc., but no formal ux projects

    • Jackie handles Primo config; web dev designer (comms dept) handles UI/Angular JS

  • UCR

    • similar to UCB, no local ux group

    • 1 IT person

  • UCSD

    • Not sure yet. Doug not available today

Where do we go from here?

Very Near Term (1-3 weeks)

  1. Share results from our local projects with each other

  2. Identify current local customizations.

    1. What problems did those address?

      1. Did they solve the problem?

    2. Which customizations should we catalog?

      1. both config changes and code changes

      2. give preference to the most impactful changes

Near Term (3-6 weeks)

  1. Review the shared results and look for common problems or problems that would benefit from a coordinated effort across campuses

  2. Accessibility Audit

Longer Term

  1. Interest in gaining more expertise with metrics via analytics (both Alma and Google)




Pre/Post meeting Discussion comments and thoughts