- Fulfillment FG member with permissions, or local person responsible for account creation- Recreate Test patron accounts for the three groups (Fulfill FG, ILL Ops, Discovery User Exp.) to use during testing. Enter test account information into this form https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1V9cIirzzQ3kDChYHr8XK-W3saXQKqg_fxRLbLi5TbdY/edit#gid=0
- Fulfillment FG member with permissions, or local person responsible for configuration- Confirm fines and fees are correctly configured locally.
- Fulfillment FG member with permissions, or local person responsible for configuration- Configure consortial blocks for patrons that let items go to lost status. Configuration path: Alma Configuration Menu>Fulfillment>Patron Configuration> User Block Description https://knowledge.exlibrisgroup.com/Alma/Product_Documentation/010Alma_Online_Help_(English)/030Fulfillment/080Configuring_Fulfillment/060Patron_Configurations#Configuring_User_Block_Descriptions_and_Definitions
- Fulfillment FG member with permissions, or local person responsible for configuration- Configure testing emails. Unscrub the emails and add to allowed emails list.
- Ex-Libris, but Local teams should check configuration. Configure supplier of last resort (Test and Go-Live) Strategy for Resource Sharing with WorldShare ILL
- Local team – Generate wskey for Alma User API (read-only access) in Ex Libris Developers network and send to joe.ferrie@ucop.edu.
- Local team ILL-OPS rep - Provide CDL with information about your Alma pickup locations and how they correspond to VDX locations; provide CDL with information about your Alma patron groups and how they correspond to VDX patron groups. (Details will be provided to ILL-OPS.)
- UCLA and UCB Local teams- Make sure RLF requestable types (general collection and non-circ, but requestable) have the correct item type that allows for requesting within the AFN.
- Fulfillment FG member with permissions, or local person responsible for configuration- Resource sharing forms configuration based upon recommendations from Discovery Group (Test) Policies for Resource Sharing Forms
- Fulfillment FG member with permissions, or local person responsible for configuration- NCIP configuration for campuses that currently use the service.
- Fulfillment FG member with permissions, or local person responsible for configuration- Configure Document Delivery
- Fulfillment FG member with permissions, or local person responsible for configuration- Configure Calendar-Open Hours
- Fulfillment FG member with permissions, or local person responsible for configuration- Verify configuration for Item Level Request for AFN (Primo is now able to populate a list of requestable item descriptions from a partner of type AFN in the Resource Sharing Request form, when the requested resource is a multi volume/serial issue).