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Desired Outcome







Checkin/quick updates/anything from slack or email

  • Don’t forget to check the Task report for your outstanding tasks and check them off when done.



  • Permissions for sharing links in Gdrive.

    • Did someone edit the settings to enable link sharing?

    • Which roles can share links? Manager or Content Manager?

    • Project co-managers are the deciders for project tools.

    • Another option is to have a folder just for sharing.

  • Training recordings - Lessons learned for spring workshops.

  • Links on Confluence to Primo VE: who is the final decider on whether it’s OK to share them on Confluence (i.e., publicly)? Who needs to weigh in? Where to put them on Confluence? Discovery FG or Home? Include a caveat about this is work in progress.

    • Discovery FG should be the final decider. They should include a disclaimer that these are a work in progress.

    • Risk from PMs: it gets escalated to library leadership by someone

  • Weekly Ex Libris meetings, pros and cons of inviting the whole cohort using the listserv?

Discovery FG should be the final decider. They should include a disclaimer that these are a work in progress (only represents a subset of UC test data) and who to contact for questions. We are not putting them on the Home page where they would be overly emphasized.

Discovery to inform the cohort of their decision.


Training, IC, PPC, SSM

  1. Is anything blocked or behind schedule?

  2. What deliverables are coming in the next week?

  3. Any decisions, consultations or approvals needed in the next week? 

  4. Do you need anything?




Technical Communications & Engagement Meeting

Review agenda:



Background / why now? 

  1. We are hearing some complaints (see agenda)

  2. Timing is right to bring together a broader group of technical experts: entering Implementation phase, Kickoff Nov 5

Desired outcomes: 

  1. Improve communication and engagement of tech staff with Ex Libris and locally

  2. Understand the problem(s) and ensure we have the right people engaged.

  3. Confirm the need to bring together tech experts regularly in the Implementation phase. Formalize a representative tech group.

Key message:

  • We are learning to work together as a consortium. That’s valuable! We have so much experience and expertise in the system -- it can help guide the project on both sides.

  • Comments

    • technical issues are a subset of the issues.

    • bring techs together to do the work!

    • Separate out these meetings topics (communication complaints vs. new tech group)

    • buddy system is Adrian’s first choice for bringing tech folks together for maximum impact. Tech group will also be helpful.

    • None of the complaint issues will be solved by techies; they affect everyone and need to be managed by everyone.


Coordinators Discussion & Project Communications

Agreement to have this meeting later



  • In light of the Technical Communication meeting, consider moving this to the week of Oct 19-23, or 26-30

  • Decisions form 10/1:

    • Start with a one-time introduction meeting for Coordinators with IC and PPC; IT co-chairs are in flux right now. Intent is not to have a recurring meeting.

    • Ask ICs and PPC co-chairs: What do you see coming up that will need to be coordinated? decisions?


SILS All Chairs meeting (recurring)

  • Note-taking:

  • Facilitating:

  • Monitoring chat: All

  • Track attendance:

Post to SILS Chairs slack channel on Monday before meeting: If no agenda items or pressing issues by EOD Monday, we’ll cancel the Wednesday meeting.

Topics for next meeting: Oct 21




Parking Lot

  • Share ExL recording links on Confluence? (would need to get permission from ExL and others)

  • Consider a buddy system for local campus staff (particularly for post-go-live training and other work), pairing a new campus with an existing Alma campus for the local implementation teams. Match by size (student count): Davis, Irvine, Riverside, Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz. Identify risks of not having a buddy system. Post this idea on the Coordinator. Identify times when a buddy is needed, benefits/risks.

  • Premortem checkins - Hold for a future meeting

  • timeline (extend beyond go-live), identify critical path & intense work periods

  • Adrian & Todd are working on integrations communication work




Any actions or decisions missed?



