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  1. All materials: account for Alma date variable quirks. Adjust queries to account for inconsistent behavior for dates due to Alma’s method of manipulating and storing date variables, as well as migration artifacts. For example, many Network Zone portfolios migrated with a null value for Activation Date.

  2. Physical materials: use “Physical Items”.”Item Creation Date”

  3. Electronic materials: use “Activation Date”

These choices result in tiny miscounts. For example, items that are merely on order but not yet received are counted as part of the collection. However, using the Using the data that currently exists in these fields negates the need for significant provides the best balance of costs and benefits: it avoids significant, immediate local cleanup projects and results in while providing counts that are within an acceptable margin of error.


UCOP and other requirements statistics ask for statistics want counts for a snapshot in time: usually, it’s the end of the most recent fiscal year. Therefore, campuses have in the past used various approaches to exclude any material added after the end of the fiscal year when running reports after that date. For example, a report run on August 1 would be set up to excludematerial added after July 1. Alma Analytics has a variety of date fields that could be used to accomplish this. However, these fields each have a variety of drawbacks for several reasons, e.g., campus procedures, migration artifacts, and other data issues. The following variables were reviewed :


  • Lifecycle

    • Three values are available for “Physical Items“.”Physical Item Details”.”Lifecycle”:

      • Active items are active and discoverable in Primo.

      • Deleted items are not discoverable in Primo.

      • None items are not discoverable in Primo. These records are also associated with records without creation dates and possibly other pertinent metadata; consultation with Ex Libris is ongoing.

    • For withdrawn counts, filtering based on lifecycle = “Deleted” or “None” causes:

      • Exclusion of items that were deleted from the repository after the reporting deadline but before the report run date. For example, if a weeding project happens in August 2023 and hundreds of print items and their associated records are removed, a report looking for the items from before July 2023 that runs in October 2023 will exclude those items, even though they were still in the collection before July 2023.

      • Inclusion of items deleted because they were added by mistake, but that do not actually represent items that were removed from the collection.

  • Modification Date

    • There are two modification date options:

      • “Physical Items”.”Item Modification Date”, which cleans up and harmonizes the value available in “Physical Items”.”Physical Items Details”.”Modification Date”. ExLibris documentation says: “The Item Modification date is the date of the last change to the item. Therefore, if on January 19, 2016 the item was in process type Acquisition, on January 20, 2016 the item was in process type Request, and on January 21, 2016 the item was in process type Loan (and no additional change to the item was made after January 21), the Item Modification Date is January 21, 2016.“

      • “Physical Items”.”Physical Items Details”.”Modification Date”, which allows us to know when the item record is modified. ExLibris documentation says it “Holds the date the physical item was modified“.

    • Alma Analytics data-based findings:

    • Based on the reported knowledge and practices, “Physical Items”.”Item Modification Date” would be is the best variable to use to determine when the items' records were last modified, especially when the record of the item was deleted.

  • Creation Date

    • Automatic date and time stamps for when records are created are a norm in relational databases. In Alma physical items, there are two creation dates:

      • “Physical Items”.”Item Creation Date”, which cleans up and harmonizes the value available in “Physical Items”.”Physical Items Details”.”Creation Date.” ExLibris documentation says this “Stores the item creation date in a date format such as 2/29/2014” and that “All date dimensions include dates up to and including 30 years back and 20 years forward. So, for example, if today is March 17, 2021: The earliest loan date that would appear is March 17, 1991. The latest due date that would appear is March 17, 2041.“).

      • “Physical Items”.”Physical Items Details”.”Creation Date”, which allows us to know when the record on the item was created. ExLibris documentation says that this “Holds the date the physical item was created” and that “This date is assigned by Alma when the physical item is created.“

    • Note: ExLibris documentation does not completely align with findings.

  • Alma Analytics data findings:
