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Desired Outcome







Checkin/quick updates/anything from parking lot, slack or email

  • Don’t forget to check the Task report for your outstanding tasks and check them off when done.



  • Ben & Adrian to talk with TTF on communications. PMs will schedule. TTF meets on Mondays from 10-11 beginning 9/13.

    • Discuss Phase 4 handoff doc and how communication gets integrated into the new structure. Schedule meeting later in the fall or early December.

    • Do any P4 groups meet with the new teams? For example, would Com Leads meet with SOT directly to share their recommendations? Possibly. (SILS News, wiki, Town Halls)

  • Adrian will join WG on Friday


Editorial calendar (recurring)


Ben, Adrian

  • Draft a SILS News on SILS governance prior to the Town Hall (Danielle).

  • Draft an article for SILS cohort on presentations/publications on the SILS project:

    • Message on making presentations and publications on the SILS project:

      • Cohort members are free to make presentations and write publications at their discretion.

      • We’ll provide a place to track and share resources.

    • Create a folder in the resource lake for sharing presentations, publications, etc.

    • Create a sheet/page for tracking presentations on Confluence.

    • Create a Confluence page with links to the resource lake, and a note to “contact” to have things added to the tracking sheet (if you don’t have edit access to Confluence).


Town Hall for All (Governance)

Communication channels slide (at each meeting)

  • Sep 21:

    • Governance deep dive (UCLAS, SILS)

    • SILS Operations Center at CDL

    • Transition Task Force


  • Slides: TBD

  • MC: TBD

  • Tech role: TBD (mutes/unmutes), advances slides, gives remote control access, and starts recording

  • Moderator Chat: - use meeting-chat channel

  • Public chat: sharing links, etc.- PMs

  • Q&A (manage questions): MC will announce questions. PMs will monitor and ping chairs via zoom chat for questions as needed, and push Qs live.


Com Leads

  • Any actions we need to do now?


Town Hall for All Deep Dives: Oct-Dec

  • How to source and schedule:

    • 3rd Tuesday: 10/19, 11/16, 12/21

    • Ask on SILS Chairs, PPC, WG.

    • Criteria:

      • Discussion-worthy and have input from multiple people, e.g., forum

      • Controversial or complex and would benefit from Q&A

      • 60 minutes

      • What is it not? quick updates or topics that impact a narrow group of staff.

      • You'll walk away with actionable tips, best practices and resources that will help you elevate your work!

    • Ideally, set the topics now. Set a deadline for proposals by 9/17.

    • Announce at 9/21 TH.

  • Possible topics:

    • Switch to support - Caitlin, Tom & Carlo?

    • Lessons learned in the SILS project?

  • Adrian will create the google form; Ben will draft the email/slack to share with SILS Chairs.


    Com Leads ongoing checkin

    1. Is anything blocked or behind schedule?

    2. What deliverables are coming in the next week?

    3. Any decisions, consultations or approvals needed in the next week? 

    4. Do you need anything?



    • Upcoming work per Com Leads work plan

      • Thank you letters (send in early December per SILS co-chairs)

        • Samples from phase 3 (mail merge, email cover letter, letter, etc.)

        • Make a list of all groups and subgroups/task forces.

      • Phase 4 final report (folder with outline)

      • No Com Leads in ongoing gov. Transition communications to ongoing SILS shared governance. What is involved here?



    Parking Lot




    • Operation Leads post-mortem: when to schedule? October.

    • Com Leads to facilitate post-mortem for EUOS so chairs can participate fully.

      • Yes, Adrian will offer.



    Wrap up




    Any actions or decisions missed?





