Stacy Brinkman (Unlicensed)
Neil Weingarten
Adrian Petrisor
Ben Alkaly (Unlicensed)
Not attending
Future agenda items
| Item | Desired Outcome | Time (in mins) | Who | Notes | Decisions | Action items |
1 | Check-in / Any new items that has come up over the week | | | | | | |
2 | End User Communication Plan | | | | EUOS resources | | |
3 | Decision Pages: End user webpage Graphic Design | | | | EUOS Decision pages: Decisions | | |
4 | Parking Lot | | | | Keep UCOP comms team in the loop, particularly for the final press release, in case they want to release that as a feature story highlighting the project leads (Gunter & Chris?) Brainstorm web page content ideas at our next meeting
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