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Discussion items


Desired Outcome







Checkin/quick updates/anything from slack or email

  • Don’t forget to check the Task report for your outstanding tasks and check them off when done.



  • Reminder to check task report

  • Caitlin will meet with Joanna at 9 am on 11/17 and will debrief us at 10.


Training, IC, PPC, SSM

  1. Is anything blocked or behind schedule?

  2. What deliverables are coming in the next week?

  3. Any decisions, consultations or approvals needed in the next week? 

  4. Do you need anything?



IT-SC questions

  1. Who, if anyone, should cover the Monday Q&A portion?

    1. LZ: Don’t see how this is a priority task.

  2. Who (between IT / PMs) should wrangle “special topic” meetings or trainings?

    1. For one-off ExL meetings, PMs are responsible for announcing meetings and Basecamp links for questions. Other than that people can post their own questions on BC.

      1. PMs work: How to get the word out about new ExL meetings
        Lena to update calendar invite with meeting topic when known
        Add to Confluence meetings page
        Add to meetings spreadsheet
        Slack SILS Chairs, PPC & IC channels with deadline for posting Q&A
        Marci will advertise in the Project Status Meetings on Mondays in the upcoming meetings section.

    2. For Special Meetings, usually whoever requested it takes ownership of wrangling questions.


SILS All Chairs meeting (recurring)

  • Note-taking:

  • Facilitating:

  • Monitoring chat: All

  • Track attendance:

Post to SILS Chairs slack channel on Monday before meeting: If no agenda items or pressing issues by EOD Monday, we’ll cancel the Wednesday meeting.

Topics for next meeting: Nov 18



  • MVP - what do we need day 1? Series of conversations to inform internal training, system-wide decision-making, local go-live checklists. Implication is somethings will be delayed beyond July 27 (day 1, month 1, etc.)

    • What does MVP mean? 

    • What are the top priority issues (refer to the #1s from the RFP)

    • What does “Day 1” actually mean? What other range of dates can we agree on?

  • IT is having trouble coming up with what the trainings should be for the spring workshops.

  • IT group members are not the ones who will work in Alma and do not feel qualified to come up with the topics. Who should choose what the spring workshop topics will be?

  • Having a convo about MVP would inform what the the spring workshop topics, special topics, future trainings would be.

  • SILS Chairs are one of the stakeholder groups that would determine the MVP. Potentially, what is MVP for some may differ for others.

  • Whatever comes out of the SILS Chairs meeting could guide discussions at PPC on 11/20


Parking Lot

  • Premortem checkins - Hold for a future meeting

  • Adrian & Todd are working on integrations communication work (no progress; on to do list)

  • Coordinators group:

    • Start with a one-time introduction meeting for Coordinators with IC and PPC. Is IT needed? Intent is not to have a recurring meeting.

    • Ask ICs and PPC co-chairs: What do you see coming up that will need to be coordinated? decisions?




Any actions or decisions missed?



