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Worldcat-Primo Integration:
Campuses will select the Discovery FG recommends allowing campuses to choose one of three options for Worldcat/Primo integration most appropriate for based on their campus user needs. The following are recommended approaches to integration:: 1. separate profile; 2. link out to WorldCat; 3. combination.
1. Display Worldcat materials within Primo via a separate search profile
Users must navigate out to a separate system to discover materials
Using “Get it at UC” to request materials may be less intuitive to new users (and, depending upon which Worldcat we send users to, could require VPN/Proxy to see the “Get it at UC” button)
Both: link(s) out to Worldcat and create a separate search profile
Version of Worldcat
Discovery FG recommends allowing campuses to choose whether they will send their users to Worldcat.org or their campus Basic Worldcat Discovery when using a native Worldcat interface will benefit their users.
Two versions of Worldcat are available to UC campus libraries: Worldcat.org and “Basic Worldcat Discovery.” Discoverey FG declined to recommend one version over the other.
Basic WorldCat Discovery makes it easier to get back to Primo for ILL. The major identified difference between the two systems is that Basic Discovery will display the “Get It at UC” button to all users, regardless of authentication status. In contrast, Worldcat.org will require users to be authenticated (on campus IP) in order to display the “Get It at UC” button.
Campuses do need to consider options. Even for campuses
that choose to include a Worldcat search profile in Primo, there will be times where users may benefit from using a native Worldcat interface rather than the Primo-mediated discovery experience. Therefore, campuses will need to determine which version of Worldcat they will recommend to users.
Basic WorldCat Discovery is what most campuses are using. Most campus libraries have indicated that they plan to point users to Basic Worldcat Discovery rather than Worldcat.org, when needed. Discovery FG is working on a separate decision regarding the configuration of Basic Worldcat Discovery.
Both versions of WorldCat send similar data to Primo via OpenURL. Based on brief comparative testing, we believe that both Worldcat.org and Basic Worldcat Discovery send similar data to generate the OpenURL page in Primo.
Working Assumptions
Resource Sharing will be enabled/available for records generated via OpenURL
User needs. How much will our researchers appreciate the ability to start an ILL directly from the Primo interface?
Common use scenarios. How do our researchers use Worldcat searching, and how well are they supported by including a separate Worldcat scope versus a link out to Worldcat?
Example scenario: Worldcat (on campuses that do not use WC Discovery) is used frequently by more advanced researchers looking for a known item that’s not available on their campus. So, for example, a search for older, more unique less-common monographs.
Quality of WorldCat-only search scope. Primo facets are unavailable within the Worldcat search profile. Discovery FG has also discovered that some special characters (a hyphen with no trailing space and the pound/hash symbol) erroneously result in no records retrieved. How do these limitations impact the user experience and can these impacts be ameliorated?
Quality of blended search. How well does it work?
Results are worse with WorldCat. ExLibris strongly discourages using WorldCat records in default search. Default search ends up the most-used search, and including WorldCat records sort of breaks the facet display because it hides number of results in the facets.
(From experience, the format of a highlighted “Note” field in Ex Libris documentation is deceptive. It looks mild, with subtle yellow highlighting, but in reality it means ALARM.)“It is not recommended to blend third-party indexes with local and Primo Central searches in the library's default scope since this may impact the end users experience in the areas of facets and relevancy between the different indexes.“ https://knowledge.exlibrisgroup.com/Primo/Product_Documentation/020Primo_VE/Primo_VE_(English)/040Search_Configurations/010Configuring_Search_Profiles_for_Primo_VE