Versions Compared


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, 10am-11:30am


Discussion items

DISCOVERY VISION: We strive to design and implement the best possible discovery and delivery experience for our end users using data-driven decision making. We envision a network zone experience that will allow users to discover library materials across UC collections without sacrificing relevant results. As such, the default search and results interface should prioritize the success of typical users while providing additional functionality for more advanced users.


Desired Outcome







New links on Discovery FG Confluence site

Point out new additions

10 min


On our Overview page

On our Discussions page

  • Help Links environmental scan of already-Alma campuses

  • UC-eLinks SFX data reports

  • UC-eLinks defer discussion to future meeting; Josephine and Michael waiting for local data.

  • CSU Example “Workflow”

  • Recommendation page is being developed

  • Plan to attend Thursday Primo VE meeting (All)


Updates from other SILS groups

Share relevant items

10 min



  • Need to develop transition between Phase 4 and Phase 5

  • May include an overlap between phases for groups

  • No update from PPC; Workflows are the focus



Discuss systemwide subscription quote

15 min


  • Holly E. is CDL point for Browzine and is working with vendor moving forward.

  • No centralized funding; would be a campus-by-campus decision; substantial savings if all 10 campuses participate.

  • If all campuses participate would Browzine?LibKey become Tier 1? Maybe not since Browzine/LibKey is a tool and not content.

  • Should Browzine/LibKey be a recommendation to assist other campuses who do not have it yet?

  • Provide information and usability data from UCSC (Jess)


New Primo VE instances

Check-in to see how everyone’s new Primo VE looks

15 min


List of all Primo VE Instances

  • Thank you Ellen for cleaning up the information.


Testing Plan

What can we provide as an answer

20 min


Test Phase Timeline

  • Wks1-13 (March 1-May 28) Milestones

  • May 31-June 1 Cutover?

  • Wordmark/Logo; Up to DFG to use the new wordmark in testing sites

  • Josephine taking screenshots of where CSU campuses have placed their “OneSearch” wordmark/logo.

  • Some milestones, e.g., FRBR & Dedup might need to work with others on various campuses if ourside one’s area of expertise.

  • Is there more testing beyond Functionality testing such as Configuration testing; Ask ExLibris and discuss with other campuses;

  • Who will be using the list of MARC fields recommendations and a need for harmonization? Which fields are indexed and/or faceted? e.g, “publisher” is not a defult indexed search field and not a default faceted field

  • Sharon mentioned adding the following for her and Lisa’s list of MARC fields:
    - Enable field for search
    - Enable field for facet
    - Use Translations
    - Use the parallel Local Field 01/50 from the Dublin Core record
    - Use full test links for indexing

  • Make decision on naming UC-eLinks as soon as possible since there are so many places it would need to be updated.

  • We all have different roles; some more than others. Beginning Your Research Journey

  • Make recommendations regarding renaming UC-eLinks asap.

  • Develop list of extra recommendations

  • WorldCat to be added to Week 4 (3/22-3/26) - 3 different options to be tested at 3 groups of campuses. Need to create a sheet to document which campus will test which WorldCat option.


Configuration Recommendations Workbook

Decide which recommendations are ready for sign off

20 min


Configuration Recommendations Workbook

Tasks to decide for today’s mtg:

  • What can we sign off on as a recommendation? Include screenshots as needed

  • What needs to be identified with further discussion/data? Include screenshots as needed

  • Discussion of what the Search Profiles should be:
    ”Articles, books, and more”
    ”Library Catalog”
    ”Course Reserves”
    ”WorldCat” (if this is the option selected for this particular campus)

  • Recommendations added to various Setup documents. See various setup pages for latest recommendations.

  • Initial Setup 2 Search Options
    Request API for WorldCat

  • Setup Full-Display 4 - Section Labels - Send It; View It; Get It

Provide campuses with cheatsheets on default configurations to help local campus admins. (Jarad)

  • Add screenshots to Configuration Settings where applicable. (All)



Prepares team for next meeting



Parking Lot/Q&A

Save these issues for future discussion & comments



  • FRBR/Boosting

  • Main Menu (pull up config workbooks)

  • Facets

  • Libguides

  • Testing plan

  • Delivery and Fulfillment

  • Minimum Viable Product

  • WorldCat

  • Ebook ILL lending as it relates to discovery and limiting to availability.

  • UC-eLinks (re)naming

  • What will help links be called and where will they be in the interface?


  • SFX Journal Search Tool (moved notes to UC eLinks section)

  • Third party integrations

    • Browzine & LibKey

  • Ebook ILL lending: problematic with Melvyl; keep in mind to test in Test phase
