DISCOVERY VISION: We strive to design and implement the best possible discovery and delivery experience for our end users using data-driven decision making. We envision a network zone experience that will allow users to discover library materials across UC collections without sacrificing relevant results. As such, the default search and results interface should prioritize the success of typical users while providing additional functionality for more advanced users.
Desired Outcome
Hathi Trust materials are pointing to UCSC instead of local campuses (share to network for import profile). UCSC changed that to no but they have to re-run the profile.
Digital collections are also shared-- when do we want to share those items?
UC Libraries facet: Done through a general setting in Alma. Go with e.g. UC XXX
Already alma campuses should check Discovery input network profile.
Take the UC XXX decision back to our local campuses to fix the facet. Jess Waggoner will create a decision page and Heather Smedberg (Unlicensed) 's people will double check the documentation on how to do it.
Check Ins
Discuss updates/problems/testing
UCSF having SSO issue to request materials. Hopefully will go live at noon today.
Some databases, journals not appearing in Primo. Everyone check after NZ re-indexing is done (Thursday by 2pm).
UCSC starting soft functionality testing in Primo. For reference, our google drive has usability testing information.
Wherever we see UC e-links, we will have to manually change that on our own sites (non CDL). CDL is getting close to updating their side of things.
Next Meeting
Prep for next meeting
Check-in on Mondays if we need to meet and will continue with discussions as needed.
Parking Lot/Q&A
Save these issues for future discussion & comments