Objective: State the purpose of the group in 25 words or less (brief, energizing).
The EUOS will develop and coordinate the dissemination of effective communication plans and outreach tools to ensure that the patron experience is improved by SILS implementation.
Roles: What are the duties needed to get the work done? Who will take notes? Who will keep meetings on track/time? Who is responsible for tracking actions?
We promote a culture of accountability, transparency, and participatory decision making.
Bring team challenges to the team Discuss team challenges in open invitation meetings- no judgement zone
Document notes, procedures, and deliverables for the team
Set agendas ahead of time
Predictable places to document our work
It is healthy to discuss and question decisions or situations that affect the team.
Ask questions to understand and with empathy
We provide innovative opportunities for collaborative discussions.
Build a diverse toolkit of communication practices including equal participation, large and small group conversations, and providing Remain accountable to the work assigned
We listen respectfully, discuss and work collaboratively, “provide space for creative thinking,” achieve consensus.
Maintain transparency about progress and/or pitfalls with assigned work
Balance the workload among team members whether it is by task or degree of engagement
Continued awareness that there is no such thing as a “perfect” product
Recognize that people have different preferred communication styles
We work for the benefit of our actual users (not ideal users) and colleagues.