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Desired Outcome





Local group takeaways



Updates (please add in advance)

0 mins


Liz won’t be available for the RMFG study hall on Wednesday 10/28. The meeting is set to auto-record and people should be able to join/screen share so feel free to meet if there is interest.

Discovery group input: the Discovery FG has asked for RMFG input/assistance on some usability testing for November. Liz will send around an email with more information.

Stages of the migration:

  • Vanguard (current stage, ends Oct.)

  • Full implementation (starting November)

    • test load

    • go live

See the project timeline

Discovery user testing - invite Discovery people to our next meeting and decide from there best way to proceed

Sub-group will test OCLC update soon

November:Will have multiple meetings on order of test load

Discussions on Marcive and other shared collections are ongoing. More soon. Some direction on migration needs in relation to these coming


Decision page votes

80 mins

Non-9XX local data

9XX field mapping

Review WRLC and CARLI mappings, anything we can re-purpose with few/minor edits?

  • Can we agree on 590 for a local public note?

  • Can we agree on the 69X mapping from CARLI?

  • Formalize system ID choice: is there any use for the 992?

  • 7XX mapping?

  • Acquisitions fields? Can we pick 2-4 fields in 96X and 98X to reserve for them?

Non-9xx local data

Long Term Goal:

  • We will base local fields on the CARLI model. In the long term, UC will benefit by consistency across the campuses. We recognize this will be achieved in manageable stages

  • We will work with ILSDC on how to manage this in the test load and go-live stages, and beyond go-live

For Test Load:

  • use 590 for local public note. Can use other 59x fields if need to, but for migration most local notes can go into 590

  • NOTE: all 59x notes (and other local notes) must be labeled as local ($9 LOCAL)

  • 69x: we will adopt the entire CARLI 69x range except for the 693. Reserve 693 for our future use. For test load, move local data to these fields as far as possible

  • 79x: must go to 9xx field (see below in 9xx field discussion)

9xx field mapping

For test load:

  • 956: copy 856 info into this field

  • 996: existing system IDs (from Vanguard decision)

  • 992 for older system ID, if desired

  • 969: use for course reserve information

  • 970, 971, 972, 973 (793 data) use the CARLI definitions

9??: Cataloging statistics

908: NZ shared field for processing (Marcive, OCLC updates, etc)

Aeon request link - not needed

Campus feedback due 10/26.

Consultant feedback due 10/21

Share CARLI model with local groups as our final goal/vision. Incorporates OCLC BF&S, etc

Discuss with local groups - Are 14 fields enough for local campus use? Do some campuses need more (RLFs, etc)?

Liz will combine these two decision pages into one decision page

UCB: has some NRLF numbers in 992 - not sure if that is needed. Will confer with ILSDC on feasibility of moving/use needs