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Desired Outcome







Check-in / updates

Information sharing and problem-solving



RMFG: we are more or less done with day 1 MVP items aside from a few that we knew would need some more time! RMFG will be taking next week off and possibly trying to switch to bi-weekly for a few months.

DCFG: We’re close to finalizing our draft decision tree + companion document, in preparation for sharing with Discovery (when they have time/bandwidth). We’ve also been exploring the feasibility of sharing digital content via the CDI.

AEFG: Approved 008 Troubleshooting and 014 Discovery Config re: E-Resources as below. Extensive discussion re: 006 Outbound Linking including at PPC-NZ Subgroup - requires project management/coordination between campuses and CDL for initial post-go-live implementation. Proposing additional working session with appropriate CDL members and AEFG members. Decided: 3 image sizes for Get It at UC to have available for Content Providers. Not yet determined: where these need to reside for e-resources/content provider use (vs. Resource Lake). Considering Launch Session with weekly workshops as project model. Discussed additional UC-side sessions including cross-functional e-resources architecture to enhance understanding of Alma/inventory effect on Primo/discovery-results. Some follow-up with RMFG re: Import Profiles and NZ expectations.

DFG: Continuing to work with Alison Ray re: Basic WorldCat Discovery (BCWD) details i.e., where to place Get it at UC button and linking users back into Primo VE to complete BWCD requests.

FFFG: Working on trying to finalize and vote on this asap. We have one sticking point regarding recall fees for the AFN. We don’t want to harmonize on it, but we’re asking on how best to do that while keeping the rest of or harmonization decision configs in place. (Go-Live) Harmonization of Loan Periods and Blocks in the UCs Automated Fulfillment Network Finishing these recommendations up to approve and send to the the local Fulfillment FGs, Ops Team, and ICs (Go-Live)Alma "On Hold Shelf Letter" notice details


PSELG: no report




Discuss and approve proposed decisions


  1. AEFG: (Go-Live) E-Resources Troubleshooting: Best Practices for Reporting Broken Links in CDL/SCP Records, etc. (MVP 008)

    1. Includes recommendation for dedicated slack channel for e-resources troubleshooting; weekly office hours; coordinating reporting to ExL.

    2. Not all campuses have a ticketing system for e-resources reporting yet.

  2. AEFG:(Go-Live) Configuration of E-Resources/Discovery Settings in Alma (AEFG MVP 014) NOTE: Getting clarification on UCSC setting of Purchase Request for Display Logic Rules section - that wording may change.

  3. RMFG: (Go-live and beyond) WorldCat Daily Updates

    1. Thanks to Gem & Alison for testing!

    2. Phased approach starting with non-serials in September to get used to the process before tackling serials.

    3. Error rate is low and the tradeoff is high in a consortium. Work will happen in OCLC.

    4. CSUs and SUNY have seen this work successfully. UCLA and UCSD have been using this approach and is happy with it.

  4. RMFG: Go-live and beyond) Best practices for holdings and item records

    1. Lightweight. Can build on it later.

  5. RMFG: (Go-live and beyond) Setting holdings in OCLC at the campus level

    1. different reasons to set holdings; encourage staff to keep doing what they are doing now (status quo); revisit later when we understand the impacts better.

  6. RMFG: (Go-live) Starter set of UC-wide normalization, merge, and indication rules

    1. goal is to have campuses start testing and dial them in over time as we learn more; aiming to keep the number of rules to the minimum - should work for most cases.

    2. reminder that normalization at campus level may be wiped out in NZ.

    3. Action: Liz will mention the AEFG rule on this page, and Lisa will cross-reference it.

  7. ICs/CDL NZ Admins: (Test Load + 3 months) Managing work in the Alma NZ instance - Revisions for feedback and approval.

    1. Liz: Call out the IZes as “IZ instance” to be clear (similar to NZ instance)

    2. Add a note above the Recommended section. Leave the original due date.

    3. Shout out to CDL Gem & Alison for all their hard work!

  8. Discovery: WorldCat Integration with PrimoVE - It’s an MVP decision. Approver = PPC.

  1. Approved!

  2. Approved!

  3. Approved!

  4. Approved!

  5. Approved!

  6. Approved!

  7. Approved!

  8. Approved! (if any wording needs to be revised, let Josephine know)


EUOS (recurring)

Soft deadline for when decisions that affect everyone can be completed


Major decisions should be made by (soft deadline): June 11th for all groups


PM Update

Awareness of what’s happening / coming soon in the project



PMs and WG are working on Alma/Primo slowness issue with Ex Libris. Com Leads and EUOS will coordinate to communicate to staff about the issue so they are informed and prepared to discuss with patrons if slowness occurs.

Note: If groups need/want to have a special slack channel to add more experts from their field who are not currently part of the cohort, please slack Christine with a list (including email addresses) and she will get that going for you.


For Monday project updates and office hours, feel free to skip and watch the recording later if there are no topics or if topics are not a subject of interest.

List of meetings on Basecamp

Details Regarding Opening SalesForce Cases 


AEFG 006

“Outbound linking from Vendor Platforms” questions to consider

  • Very complicated project!

  • Next steps:

    • Lisa will ask Kimmy for the images.

    • Organize a working session with stakeholders hosted by AEFG in consultation with Alison Ray.

      • Lisa might lead the session since she has had experience doing this.





Parking Lot

Future meeting:

  • AEFG questions that came up were re: coordination of Analytics (cross-function?)

  • and... how the Selector role in Alma is changing (people will care, prob fits w/ AEFG, but overloads us....)




Future agenda items
