
Not in attendance:

Meeting documents:
Meeting Recording (link to file in Google Drive)


Desired Outcome







Record: Michelle


Follow-up to SILS License Terms Display meeting Friday 6/3 at 10am: Google Calendar

NERS, June 12, release top picks from prior round

CDL NZ Task Force - updates to announce?

5 min

Notetaker: Sherry Lochhaas
Time Keeper: Katie Keyser
Actions: Kevin Balster

Link to recording was sent out for the license terms display presentation.

NERS - asking allchairs to vote on top issues, not sending it out to everyone for voting. Trying to determine best ways to make maximum impact with voting.

CDLNZPT - making progress, testing, will meet more after the end of the FY.

Cambridge ebooks - CDL has made progress loading missing titles

UCLA - hired new Head of Acq & Eresources position


Work Plan item:

Sharing of E-resource Licensing Information across UC [Phase 4 delegated]

Discussion and outline possible solutions

30 min

Tamara Pilko Natalee Bell

The ERES Work Plan

Create a shared storage space where the entire license documents for UC Tier 1-3 e-resource licenses can reside, so that we can compare terms obtained previously within the system. It would be of additional benefit to be sharing information about license negotiations that have failed and reasons why.

make tier 3 licenses visible to all campuses. Is this viable?

perhaps better to focus on facilitating communication around licensing. Leverage the listserve for licensing dialogue.

Are there issues with sharing specific negotiated license terms among campuses? Need to find out legal ramifications, if any.

Licensing - AEFG Handoff Document

CDL Redacted License agreements

How to share local campus licenses with others

CDL Licensing Toolkit

Licensing listserv hosted by UCD

Licensing discussion subgroup:

  • listserv

  • legal questions of sharing our licenses within the UC? Possible check in with Lisa Mackinder on this

  • create a CDL webpage that will talk about some of this, related to the Licensing Toolkit – what to add to this space?

  • Increased communication around terms negotiations, pricing, wording in licenses, advocacy with licenses (ADA, etc)

  • Sherry Lochhaas will inquire after CDL-hosted licensing listserv for the UCs
  • E-res team will recommend decommissioning using current UC Davis listserv
  • E-Res team will figure out communication to other stakeholders re needs, best practices, and reconfiguration of new listserv
  • Natalee Bell to contact Lisa Mackinder regarding legal ramifications of sharing license information over listserv


UCOP E-Resources Template


New SLACK #Analytics channel

Campus Contacts for Statistics

June 3, 2022 - UC-Wide Analytics for UCOP Statistics (recording & slides)

UCOP FY21 Statistics Reporting (website)


  • For next few meetings - to cover some best practices for getting NZ


Round Robins

Information sharing

20 min


  • keep sending Nature journals issues to Helpline
  • Later today: UC-wide session on UCOP statistics gathering in Alma from already-Alma campuses


Wrap Up

Review actions and decisions

5 min


Parking Lot

Capture important topics for future discussion:

Analytics – ASERL Accreditation Webinar:

Analytics – UCD Cost Usage Presentation- July 2021 (example of data structure for assessment in Alma)

SILS News – ERES work plan has contingencies coming from new CDL Shared Collection in NZ Project Team in coming weeks.


