2023-10-16 10am AASA-PT Meeting Notes

2023-10-16 10am AASA-PT Meeting Notes

Chair - Chan Li
Notetaker - Michele Potter


  • Regrets: Alison Lanius

  • @Danielle Westbrook

  • @Chan Li

  • @Daisy Nip

  • @Lisa Wong

  • @Ellen Augustiniak

  • @Denusha Amaladas

  • @Michele Potter

  • @Sarah Sheets

  • @John Riemer

  • @akshayagrawal

  • @Susan Boone


Desired Outcome








Desired Outcome








Administrative & Logistics

  • Start recording

  • New members: Denusha Amaladas

  • Note taking tasks

  • Roles for the steering committee

  • Meeting schedule until Feb 2024


Steering committee: Lisa, Michele and Chan

  • Notetaking will rotate according to the roster on the project page.

  • The Steering Committee will rotate the chairing responsibility

  • Weekly meeting until mid-November when the Data Summary Template is ready and then Bi-weekly until February when ARL is due. Then we will decide if/how often we need to meet until April when ACRL is due.



FY22-23 UCL/UCOP annual stats summary discussion

  • Review the wireframe for annual stats summary

  • Review the high level questions:

    • What are useful outputs for campus libraries? Right now, the status quo is a PDF report of data tables. We can keep doing this; would there be value in an Excel version too?

    • For summarizing total electronic holdings, do campuses want to include Purchased DDA, Unknown Purchase Status DDA, and Unknown if DDA in their electronic content total by resource type? (This may differ by campus – which is OK, we can just notate it)

    • For Schedule E:

      • Should we include user groups representing ILL and Network/intercampus sharing in campus totals? If yes, we should make this clearer in instructions/documentation.

      • How do we represent the RLFs? While the Prototype Schedule E data table reports NRLF and SRLF as distinct units, the total/systemwide check-outs/circulation table (in the stats summary) typically does not report the RLFs separately. (UCB, and maybe UCLA, have existing practices about what they represent from their hosted RLF in their annual Schedule E data).

      • For those with print course reserves, do you want to include these transactions in total check-outs? Can it be a combined total (check-out + print course reserves as one reported figure), or do you want to keep them separated/distinct?

      • For the data summary (and seeing as it’s needed for ARL/ACRL), can we re-bin circulation/check-out transactions into our higher-level, common group types**?

        • Campus undergraduates

        • Campus graduates

        • Campus academic

        • Campus staff

        • Other

          • If we’re including ILL and intercampus transactions, can we make “Other” more specific? I.e., Campus Other; Other UCs; Non-UC ILL.



@Daisy Nip showed the wireframe for the summary.

  • Mapping resources to volume, serial, and other. Is anything Excluded?

  • Serial Volumes will be represented in the volume counts (for items on the shelf).

  • Serial Titles will be a separate count.

  • Table A - Item Counts

  • Table B - Title Counts

  • Table 1 -

  • Table 2 -

  • Table 3 -

  • Non MU Manuscripts are counted in the catalog and should count in volumes.

  • UCOP summary should be useful informationally as well as an assistant for completing ARL and ACRL

  • It would be good to be able to have comparisons across campuses.

  • Do we want to include the category unidentified and unknown? Is there anything in there that is useful to count.

  • How do we want to categorize users for circulation -

    • Can courtesy users include anything we really need.

    • Campus academic could be staff and/or faculty



Daisy will make sure that Journals/serials are counted both as volumes and as titles.

Each campus will look at their undefined and unknown items to see if there is anything that needs to be moved to a counted category.
Campuses will look at the circulation categorizations to see if we can mesh nicely across campuses. If possible they should report clean categories to Daisy through form or email.

Wrap up

Review actions and decisions








Parking Lot

Capture important topics for future discussion

















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