2023-11-06 10am AASA-PT Meeting Notes

2023-11-06 10am AASA-PT Meeting Notes

Chair - @Chan Li
Notetaker - @John Riemer


  • Regrets: Danielle Westbrook, Alison Lanius

  • @Chan Li

  • @Daisy Nip

  • @Lisa Wong

  • @Ellen Augustiniak

  • @Denusha Amaladas

  • @Michele Potter

  • @Sarah Sheets

  • @John Riemer

  • @akshayagrawal

  • @Susan Boone

Item & Desired Outcome

Time & Who


Decisions & Actions

Item & Desired Outcome

Time & Who


Decisions & Actions



  • Notetaker

  • Record meeting


John takes notes



FY22-23 UCL/UCOP annual stats summary discussion

  • ILL data

  • Affiliates

  • Volumes


UCOP Stats Summary

  • ILL

    • Schedule C or Schedule E

    • Feedback from Fulfillment and Resource Sharing SILS Team

    • Daisy’s explanation (email on Nov 3)

  • Affiliates

    • Feedback on the layout?

  • Volume

    • Campuses noted with “follow up”?


Reached out to 2 SILS groups to consult. Fine to have ILL data in schedule C. UCB feedback: Historically tried to capture data on where the items were checked out. For ARL data, they want to capture all ILLs into circ stats. See email Daisy sent 11/3. UCB, UCD, UCI, UCLA, UCM, UCR, UCSB, UCSD currently include ILL & network data in Schedule E. UCSC & UCSF exclude them. ARL pulls its ILL data from Schedule C. Loans are tracked by owning institution. To see a total use of all of one’s material, non in-house, you need to consult the circulation table.

Decision: We will subtotal both ILL & network data. That would do away with need to decide on including/excluding data.

Affiliates: 4 campuses have affiliate libraries. We were recently asked to review how the affiliates were listed We decided to relabel Table I as “Summary of Volumes with Affiliates.”

For e-resources, many campuses license almost all of them for the entire campus, so there won’t be separate counts listed for Law, Health Sciences, as the vast majority of e-resources are listed under “General.” Further discussion of what happens with e-resources for Affiliates might be warranted. Many/most will be included in General.

Overall volume counts for some campus dropped from FY22 to FY23. For physical volumes plus e-books, we could add another line for “other electronics” to cover portfolios. That would offset the downturn in stats for most of the affected campuses. Much of the downturn in the stats can be attributed to past physical item counts of microforms, esp. microfiche. It’s better to use Microcopy instead of Microfiche on non-ILS stats.



Schedule D





Wrap up

  • Review actions and decisions





Parking Lot






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