2024-01-16 10am AASA-PT Meeting Notes

2024-01-16 10am AASA-PT Meeting Notes

Chair - @Michele Potter

Notetaker - @Lisa Wong


  • @Chan Li

  • @Daisy Nip

  • @Denusha Amaladas

  • @Michele Potter

  • @Sarah Sheets

  • @akshayagrawal




Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome








  • Notetaker

  • Record meeting

Lisa is taking notes


Michele Potter


Lisa W to see if notes need to be relinked to https://uc-sils.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/AASAPT


ARL statistics

ACRL Statistics are due at the end of February. We have a few things to resolve before we can get the guiding reports from Daisy.



  • For title-level reporting, do we want to continue to use the MMS Id?

  • If we are seeking to report "manuscripts outside of special collections" - do you mean that we should include "Non-MU Unpublished" and "Non-MU Unpublished Component"? Or is the criteria broader (all books, braille books, atlases and manuscripts, excluding all special collections)?

    • If we want to exclude all special collections, we can exclude by the special collections physical locations (see version 7 design from the prototype).

  • Should we include everything from special collections into 40a except for “Collections” which would be measured in manuscript units?


For the eBook exclusions [to exclude HathiTrust, Center for Research Libraries, Internet Archive, Project Gutenberg, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Directory of Open Access Repositories (OpenDOAR)], I am looking into these and how they might be excluded from the Network Zone.

  • For these collections/packages, I’ll need to get the right identifiers so that I can exclude them. Some are activated through CDL/Shared Acquisitions; others are campus-specific, right? Do campuses have such campus-specific collections? If yes, could you let me know what those identifiers are, I can begin building out those exclusions.

Yes, we will continue deduping by MMS Id.


Include Manuscripts as a book, include Spec Coll. Add manuscripts and scores.

Do not identify what’s in Spec Coll. All books, braille books, et al should be added into Books, the only exception are collections.


Verify what UCOP categories goes into ACRL categories:

40A. Physical Books (Title Count)
40a. Books (Volume Count)
42A. Physical Media

-maps, all audio, microfilms, maps, braille maps, 3D artifacts (investigate), 2D projectable graphic

What are in collections or realia?

Does any campus have title counts of pictorial items? Daisy can include and campuses can examine to determine if we include.

43A. Physical Serials

Braille serials, Journal, Serial component part

Dedup on MMS ID.

40B Digital/Electronic Books

Don’t worry about EBA.

Exclude DDA.

41B. Digital/Electronic Databases

Out of scope.

42B. Digital/Electronic Media

43B. Digital/Electronic Serials


Equipment needs to be considered for stats.



all - see if there are any other resource types should be consolidated with books.

See what we’ve submitted last year to see if there are any concerns.

All - Daisy to run an initial report. Compare Daisy’s initial report to your campus' last year report. If we could get it done

Daisy - generate report for electronic formats.

Campuses running DDAs, please let Daisy know how she can identify these.



Meeting schedule

should we meet weekly until the end of February?





Move to weekly meetings until guiding report done.


Wrap up

Review actions and decisions







Parking Lot

Capture important topics for future discussion















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Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu