2024-01-22 10am AASA-PT Meeting Notes

2024-01-22 10am AASA-PT Meeting Notes

Chair - @Chan Li

Notetaker - @Danielle Westbrook


  • @Alison Lanius

  • @Ellen Augustiniak

  • @John Riemer

  • @Sarah Sheets

  • @Michele Potter

  • @Denusha Amaladas

  • @Susan Boone

  • @akshayagrawal

  • @Lisa Wong


  • @Daisy Nip


Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome








  • Note taking - dww

  • Record meeting






ACRL data



  • eBook exclusions; Daisy has started to look at how to implement the ACRL requested exclusions at the Network Level. At an initial glance, there isn’t a clear path to a uniform exclusions (she started by looking at Hathi).

  • DN seeks campus feedback on how each campus made these exclusions last year (Hathi, and the other exclusions noted in the column to the left).

    • UCB: These exclusions were potentially not made last year.

    • UCSD: Don’t have the history on how exclusions were made previously. Consensus is that the eBook stat used for UCL/UCOP annual stats was used.

    • UCR: Also re-used UCL/UCOP data; likely didn’t include exclusions.

    • UCM: Used UCOP/UCL eBooks count (no exclusion).

    • UCLA: Also used UCOP/UCL stat as there wasn’t a great deal of HathiTrust titles to exclude at that point.

  • Unclear the extent to which collections like Hathi are impacting stats; could be activated in Primo by not loaded.

Review of ACRL data summary

  • Physical media - For several campuses, may need to include non-ILS (self-reported) counts (such as for microforms for UCB, UCLA)

Database analysis:

  • Generated by DN just to see how database type/category is reflected in Alma.

  • Totals are too low, particularly at the campus level. Highlights issue of “what is a database”.

  • No change to last week’s decision. Each campus should still generate their campus Database stat; but everyone should record what/how they are counting databases – to supported AASA-PT exploration around the extent to which this stat can be generated from the NZ next time.

Guidance report:

  • For some, the numbers for these categories are so low - potentially not a high priority to review right now.

  • The guidance report and each campus' analysis - this may inform clean-up and/or how we want to run UCL/UCOP annual stats (e.g., re-binning equipment; how we treat undefined, etc.).


  • Hold this discussion, to inform stats prototype to be generated in summer 2024.


  • JSTOR is Network Zone DDA. Some campuses, but not all, have IZ DDA.

Decision: Campuses that submitted self-reported (non-ILS) data – e.g., for microforms, affiliate counts -- those campuses likely want those data included in ACRL counts, for the applicable categories. (Definite yes for UCLA and UCB; UCSD confirming.) (Acknowledgement that self-reported data may be holdings level, instead of title - but that’s ok.)

Decision: Hold discussion/review of equipment and potential re-binning or exclusions for next round of stats reporting (23/24).

Action: ALL - consult locally around how exclusions were handled last year, including for DDA. Report back.

Action: ALL - for guidance report, each campus will look at their campus-specific physical and electronic tabs and determine the extent to which they want to dive into these categories now for clean-up/re-binning. These data should be considered for potential modifications to the UCL/UCOP reporting summer 2024. If there is any action to take (for DN) in the ACRL stats, campuses should annotate/comment the google sheet (tagging Daisy).


SILS LG updates

  • Last update was sent in December 2023

    • Question from LG: "NRLF continues to use the Caia system to report intercampus and ILL data because Caia is more accurate and complete than Alma Analytics" -- is SRLF doing the same thing, and if not, why would the statistics be more accurate for SRLF than NRLF?

  • Next update is due in early Feb 2024

10 min






Wrap up

Review actions and decisions

3 min






Parking Lot

Capture important topics for future discussion















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