2024-03-25 10am AASA-PT Meeting Notes
Chair: @Lisa Wong
Notetaker: @Sarah Sheets
@Chan Li
@Ellen Augustiniak
@John Riemer
@Sarah Sheets
@Michele Potter
@Denusha Amaladas
@Anna Striker
@Danielle Westbrook
@Alison Lanius
@Daisy Nip
@Lisa Wong
Item | Desired Outcome | Time | Who | Notes | Decisions | Actions | |
1 | Assemble
| Notetaker: Sarah Sheets | 5 |
| ||
2 | Formula for the institution name change | Gem has a formula to rebin the institutions that previously had a comma. If anyone needs it, I can paste it into the notes. | 5 | Lisa Wong |
3 | IPEDS AL Component Removal Meeting | We need to schedule a special meeting to discuss the IPEDS AL Component Removal. Anna has put together a poll at: https://whenisgood.net/rgg2a3m | 5 | All | Put your answers in the poll by Thursday. Aiming for mid-April discussion. |
| Fill out by Thursday. |
4 | ACRL survey for non-reporting campuses | Have the campuses that didn’t report ACRL stats have a chance to look at Daisy’s survey? The stats will be used for IPEDs. Any changes needed? | 15 | All |
| Campuses to review and comment. |
5 | ARL stats | @John Riemer and @Alison Lanius to confirm how UCLA and UCD Law Libraries are reporting their stats for ARL. Review ARL-output from the UCL/UCOP Annual Stats prototype (Summary Page) and ACRL output (as affiliates/components are currently reported, and including non-NZ/self-reported stats | 35 | All | UCLA didn’t dedupe last year; UCD needs to check. How to represent digitized content outside of scope. For next statistics year, combined stats for all (UCOP,ACRL,ARL, etc.) | Daisy to reformat to similar format as ACRL vs Pivot. Daisy to update documentation to show thought-processes and “whys” as to how decisions were made. |
Confirm numbers and report back next week.
6 | Wrap up | Review actions and decisions | 5 |
7 | Parking Lot | Capture important topics for future discussion |
8 |
| Total | x/x |
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