Licensing Terms for Display in Primo
See Best Practices for Decision Pages and Tags for groups
Legend: not started IN PROGRESS STALLED decided
Status | decided |
DeDescription | Work on developing a harmonized list of the core license terms needed systemwide, especially by ILL teams, to be visible in Primo |
Decision summary | Campuses should turn on License terms Display in Alma ASAP in anticipation of the CDL ERMS Portal being phased out on 6/30. CDL has provided a preliminary list of Core terms they recommend using. Campuses with IZ-level license records in Alma can adjust the display of local terms as they feel necessary while data is being cleaned up and standardized. |
Owning group | Acquisitions Operations Subteam + |
Approver | Acq OST |
Consulted | RS OST, E-Res OST, Disc OST |
Informed | OT |
Decision-making process |
Priority | High |
Target decision date | Jun 15, 2022 |
Date decided | Jun 30, 2022 |
Turn on Enable Display of License Information ASAP. All CDL license terms they have configured to be visible will then become visible in your Primo instance. The CDL migration resulted in electronic inventory being linked to migrated license data where possible, typically in the electronic collection record. The related portfolios inherit the license information set at the collection level, making things much easier for ILL teams to discover whether/how they can share individual titles.
If you have local license terms that you want to make visible/keep only visible in Alma, manage their display according to campus preference using Manage License Terms. Be aware that this can impact the information ILL teams have to work with, and you should engage with them to determine which data is proving helpful/hindrance.
The most important fields to make visible so far seem to be, but your local users may have additional needs (such as scholarly sharing, text and data mining, etc.):
ILL Electronic (email) |
ILL General |
ILL Record Keeping |
ILL Record Keeping Note |
ILL Secure Electronic |
Stakeholder group | Impact |
We want ILL teams to have as much time as possible to adjust to the loss of the CDL ERMS portal after 6/30, so display should be turned on ASAP so there’s some overlap time.
The recording, slides and list of CDL-recommended core terms from the 6/3 meeting on SILS License Terms Display is available here on the SILS Drive. Those core terms from CDL contain the data they assume will be most useful to ILL teams.
In order for License terms to display in Primo, someone with Fulfillment Administrator (or General Administrator) permissions has to go to Configuration Menu > Fulfillment > Discovery Interface Display Logic > Other Settings and select Enable Display of License Information. Configuring Discovery Interface Display Logic for Primo VE
For any/all local license information migrated from our ERMS, the terms available can be configured at Configuration>Acquisitions>Licenses>Manage License Terms. We discovered the already-Alma campuses have several out-of-the-box line items that some new-to-Alma (including CDL) sites do not due to how migrated terms are handled. We may add/adjust these later to provide consistency. There are also further refinements that can be made about order of display, etc. that are starting to be explored and discussed.
CDL has made core license terms that migrated from the SFX 360 system “Visible to Public” (see examples at CDL ERMS Portal). Those configurations take precedence for all NZ-level licenses linked to e-resources inventory, regardless of which terms local campuses configure to display from local licenses. This means that viewing license terms from NZ licenses may currently provide an overabundance of data/display more fields than are set for display in the IZ, but if CDL has recorded data, it would be available regardless of local campus settings.
Options Considered [remove if not needed]
| Option 1 | Option 2 |
Description |
Pros |
Cons |
Questions to consider
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Action/Point Person | Expected Completion Date | Notes | Status |
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